Experience with the use of bioactive calcium phosphate-coated implants in multicomponent traumatic damage to the hip joint

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Objective. To study the effectiveness of using implants with a bioactive calcium-phosphate coating on the example of treating a patient with combined fractures of the acetabulum and the neck of the femur.

Materials and methods. A 52-year-old patient, injured as a result of a traffic accident with multicomponent damage to the right hip joint (transcervical fracture of the femoral neck and a high two-column fracture of the acetabulum). Osteosynthesis of the femoral neck fracture is made by three cannulated screws with a calcium-phosphate coating (patent of the RU No. 81427). For the osteosynthesis of the acetabular fracture, a reconstructive plate with a calcium-phosphate coating was used (patent of the RU No. 113945).

Results. Despite the heavy, multi-component destruction of the hip joint, consolidation of the fractures ensued. The remote result is tracked for 10 years. On the score scale of the functional results Harris 89 points, the result is rated as good.

The conclusion. The use of imantates with bioactive calcium-phosphate coatings from hydroxyapatite promotes activation of reparative processes in the region of fractures.

About the authors

Alexey A. Grin

Tyumen State Medical University; Regional Hospital No. 3 of Tobolsk

Email: danilovaav.2000@mail.ru

MD, associate professor of the department of traumatology and orthopedics with the course of children’s traumatology INPR, doctor of the highest category traumatologist-orthopedist, head of the traumatologist-orthopedic department

Russian Federation, Tyumen; Tobolsk

Alexander A. Markov

Tyumen State Medical University

Email: danilovaav.2000@mail.ru

MD, associate professor of the department of traumatology and orthopedics with the course of children’s traumatology INPR

Russian Federation, Tyumen

Anastasiya V. Danilova

Tyumen State Medical University; Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2

Author for correspondence.
Email: danilovaav.2000@mail.ru

clinical resident of the second year of study of the department of traumatology and orthopedics with the course of children’s traumatology INPR, traumatologist-orthopedist

Russian Federation, Tyumen; Tyumen

Konstantin S. Sergeev

Tyumen State Medical University

Email: danilovaav.2000@mail.ru

PhD, professor, head of the department of traumatology and orthopedics with the course of children’s traumatology INPR

Russian Federation, Tyumen


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Patient B. X-ray images in direct projection (a), obturator projection (b), iliac projection (c), and CT of the right hip joint (d)

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3. Fig. 2. Control X-ray images of patient B.: direct projection (a), obturator projection (b), iliac projection (c)

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4. Fig. 3. Patient B. X-ray images of the right hip joint after an unsuccessful attempt to remove cannulated screws securing the femoral neck

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