A device for prosthesis length correction

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In some cases, the parameters of the stump may undergo changes while walking on the prosthesis of the thigh or lower leg. The volume of the stump can change rapidly with certain pathologies (vascular diseases, multiple cicatricial changes), while a temporary increase in volume can occur in case of, for example, overload. In other cases, the parameters change gradually and, as a rule, downward. The result of a change in their volume is a change in the distance of the greater trochanter—floor, which leads to temporary or permanent overload of individual muscle groups when walking, a change in gait, and the formation of secondary changes from the various structures of the musculoskeletal system. The use of an insert in the carrier module in the form of a prosthesis length corrector allows to improve the quality of the rehabilitation and life of the disabled person and also avoids a significant number of secondary complications.

About the authors

Denis D. Bolotov

Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education; Federal bureu of medical and social expertise

Author for correspondence.
Email: bolotov_d@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1320-0960
SPIN-code: 8846-6802

MD, associate professor of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics; Deputy Head of the National Medical Center for Physical and Medical Rehabilitation

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. A set of parts for assembling the device

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3. Fig. 2. Assembled device with one flat stiff washer

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4. Fig. 3. The assembled device is installed in the bearing module

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5. Fig. 4. View of the lower leg prosthesis without cosmetic finishing in frontal (a) and lateral projections (b); a device for length correction is installed in the bearing module

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6. Fig. 5. View of the hip prosthesis without cosmetic finishing in frontal (a) and lateral projections (b); a device for length correction is installed in the bearing module

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7. Fig. 6. Patient with an amputated femoral stump (frontal (a) and lateral (b) projections) using the prosthesis with calculated length correction

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