Current view on vertebral hemangioma

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An analytical review of publications devoted to various aspects of vertebral hemangioma was conducted from following electronic databases: Scopus, Web of Science, MedLine, The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, ScienceDirect, PubMed, and elibrary, CyberLeninka. The review contains actual data on the frequency of its occurrence, the possible causes of appearance and variants of development. The issues of diagnosis of vertebral hemangioma are considered in the historical context: clinical manifestations, objective modern sur- vey methods. Special attention is paid to the morphological and pathogenetic criteria for changes in the verte- bra. It is connected with the fact, that the diagnosis “vertebra hemangioma” prior to the morphological study is more a collective concept than a definitive diagnosis. It is noted that the modern concept of therapeutic tac- tics is based on the nature of course of vertebral hemangioma: aggressive and non-aggressive forms. The article presents the criteria for its aggressiveness according to domestic and foreign authors. The main methods of treating neoplasm are presented: radiation therapy, alcoholization, puncture embolization of tumor vessels, puncture vertebroplasty, stenthoplasty, open interventions. In the conclusion of the review, it is emphasized that if medical tactics in case of aggressive vertebral hemangiomas are actively developed by scientific researchers, today studies on sufficient clinical material with the long-term analysis of differentiated application of physio- therapeutic treatment of the patients with vertebral pain syndromes in combination with non-aggressive vertebral hemangioma do not exist.

About the authors

T. I. Grushina

Moscow Research and Practical Centre of Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow

A. A. Titov

Moscow Research and Practical Centre of Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports

Russian Federation, Moscow


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