Electrostimulation of thigh quadriceps in injuries of knee joint ligaments (comparative assessment of the technikues efficfcy)

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Comparative analysis of the efficacy of various methods for thigh quagriceps electrostimulation in knee joint ligament injuries are presented. Sixty patients, aged 17-30, were divided into 5 groups depending on the stimulation method used: 1st group - electrostimulation with module VIF («ЕТМ», France); 2nd group (control) - electrostimulation with «Stimul-01»; 3rd group - electrostimulation at walking with motion corrector (CSRIPD, Russia); 4th group - selective electrostimulation of vastus latissimus at walking with corrector; 5th - dynamic electrostimulation using VIF with contra-action. Efficacy was evaluated by increase of force (dynamometric test) and tonus (by Szirmai). Results shoed the highest efficacy of dynamic slimulation with additional contra-action.

About the authors

M. B. Tsykunov

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.N. Priorov

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation, Moscow

I. S. Kosov

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.N. Priorov

Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation, Moscow


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