Biomechanics of «Femur-Bliskunov’s distractor» system in various osteotomies

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Bimechanical models of force interaction in «femurBliskunov’s distractor» system, biomechanical basis of various osteotomies (transverse, oblique, oblique transverse, Z-shape, Z-shape oblique) quantitative evaluation of osteotomy firmness parameters are done. The majority of osteotomies was performed with special device on the side of bone canal. Thirteen years experience of lengthening of 213 femurs (187 patients) confirms the calculated parameters. The authors prefer the Z-shape oblique osteotomy.

About the authors

M. G. Leikin

Crimean Medical Institute; Simferopol State University

Author for correspondence.
Ukraine, Crimea; Simferopol

A. I. Bliskunov

Crimean Medical Institute; Simferopol State University

Ukraine, Crimea; Simferopol

S. A. Dzhumabekov

Crimean Medical Institute; Simferopol State University

Ukraine, Crimea; Simferopol


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Calculation models of the studied types of osteotomy: 1 — transverse, 2 — oblique, 3 — oblique, 4 — Z-shaped, 5 — Z-shaped oblique.

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3. Fig. 2. The area of the transverse osteotomy (top) and the base of the osteotomy (bottom).

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4. Fig. 3. Calculation model of the "femur-Bliskunov distractor" system.

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