Peculiarities of metal-osteosynthesis in un united fractures and pseudoarthroses of lower extremities complicated by purulent infection

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The experience treatment in 123 patients with un united diaphyseal fractures and pseudoarthroses of the crus (93 patients) and femur (30 patients) complicated by purulent infection is presented. Term after trauma ranged from 2 months to 12 years. Readmission treatment failed. Contractures, marked trophic disturbances, muscular at rophy were detected in almost all patients. Closed trans- osseous osteosynthesis using external fixation device was performed in 12 patients. One hundred eleven patients underwent one-stage operation including radical fistulosequester-necrectomy, when indicated or vast segmental sequestrnecrectomy and transosseous osteosynthesis by external fixation device with pins, rods or their combina tion. The pattern of osteosynthesis depended on the volume of bone defect formed after sequestrnectomy: monolacal osteosynthesis was used when the defect was up to 4 cm, bilocal osteosynthesis in 5-8 cm defect and polyfocal osteosynthesis when defect was over 8 cm. In one-stage treatment 96% of patients had positive out comes: elimination of osteomyelitis, bone healing and restoration of the extremity length. Treatment duration was 1.5-2 times shorter in comparison with routine treatment methods.

About the authors

A. S. Roskidailo

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.N. Priorov

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow

Z. I. Urazgildeev

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.N. Priorov

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Patient Sh. Radiographs of the left thigh on admission (a) and after sequestrectomy and osteosynthesis in the rod apparatus (b); appearance after sequestrectomy and osteosynthesis (c): shortening of the left lower limb by 16 cm.

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3. Fig. 2. The same patient. Polylocal osteosynthesis of the lower leg bones in the Ilizarov apparatus to compensate for the shortening of the limb.

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4. Fig. 3. The same patient. Radiographs of the left leg in the process of shortening compensation: a — upper third, b — lower third.

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5. Fig. 4. The same patient. A fused fracture of the left femur 10 months after surgery.

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6. Fig. 5. The same patient. Radiographs of the left leg after shortening compensation.

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7. Fig. 6. The same patient. Result of treatment after 2 years.

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