Mechanical characteristics of different osseous alloplastic materials

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Comparative study of two plastic materials, i.e. frozen cortical allobone and demineralized perforated allobone («perfoost») was performed. Testing of the samples from the same part of the tibia was carried out using «Zwick 1464» apparatus. It was showed that firmness of «perfoost» was lower than that of the frozen allobone: during compression - by 33%, switching - by 66%, bending - by 46% for metaphyseal sample and by 70% for diaphyseal one. «Perfoost» possesses the rigidity that allows to use this graft in marginal resection as well as in osteotomy as a bone fixator. Advisability of the graft in segmental resection of lower extremity without cortical allograft is doubtful.

About the authors

I. A. Kasymov

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. N.N. Priorov

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow

N. S. Gavryushenko

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. N.N. Priorov

Russian Federation, Moscow


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