Results of Spectral Determination of Metals in Tissues Adjacent to the Sivash System Hip Endoprosthesis (Experimental Clinical Study)

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After total hip replacement with Sivash’s implants marked metallosis by chromium, cobalt and to a lesser degree by molybdenum develops in tissues contiguous with the joint. Titanium and tin are also determined in considerable amounts. At experimental (2 months to 5 years) and clinical (3 weeks to 15-19 years) follow up all metals are determined in the connective tissue. In bone tissue only small amounts of metals were present even in long term follow up. In short terms metallosis develops in the zones close to the mobility unit and gradually distributes along the bone marrow canal. As shown by experimental data metallosis is detected only as traces when the implant without friction units is used. In stable and unstable implants the degree of metallosis was the same although its incidence was higher when loosing developed. Our data confirm the possibility of the total hip prosthesis loosing but it develops gradually and manifest clinically in late terms.

About the authors

K. M. Sherepo

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. N.N. Priorov; Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Moscow Health Committee

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

T. F. Makarenko

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. N.N. Priorov; Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Moscow Health Committee

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Place of contact of the comochrome plate (upper arrow) with the titanium neck of the prosthesis (lower arrow) when the endoprosthesis socket is located at an angle of 30-35°: the plate is lapped, there is a wear defect on the neck.

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3. Fig. 2. Macropreparation of bone tissue from the interblade space of the endoprosthesis nest (patient K., follow-up period 7 years. The nest was stable when the prosthesis was removed). Massive metallosis (confirmed by spectral analysis). Darkening of tissues (indicated by the arrow).

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4. Fig. 3. X-ray (a) and macroscopic specimen (b) of a dog 1 year after installation and loading of the experimental endoprosthesis. On the radiograph: the endoprosthesis socket is unstable; massive metallosis (confirmed spectrally); the proximal half of the stem is surrounded by a resorption zone. On a macroscopic specimen: the upper half of the leg is surrounded by a thicker connective tissue capsule than the lower half, which is densely surrounded by bone tissue; leg is still stable.

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