Geoecological assessment of water bodies in the drainage basin of the White Sea based on geomorphometric analysis of the relief



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In the article, the authors considered the eastern part of the White Sea drainage basin within the administrative boundaries of the Arkhangelsk region. The aim of the study was to assess the potential predisposition of the main rivers inf the Arkhangelsk region to the drift and accumulation of sedimentary material (including polluting material) based on the calculation of the geomorphometric parameters of the relief. Analysis of pollution sources at the global (European Center for Environmental Destabilization), regional (Kola industry) and local levels (enterprises of the Arkhangelsk region) showed that the region is a recipient of pollution. The main route of pollutant transport is atmospheric, which is further transformed during floods. At the local level, the transfer is carried out due to the runoff of water. In all of the above options, the nature of the relief has a dominant role in the redistribution of pollution. Each type of transport can be taken into account and evaluated when calculating the geomorphometric parameters of the relief, which quantitatively demonstrate the potential predisposition of the territory to the drift, transit and accumulation of sedimentary material. The high role of drainless depressions as receivers and accumulators of pollution in the calculation of runoff into surface and groundwater and the transfer of material, both in ionic and suspended form, is shown. Based on the calculation of such parameters as Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI), LS factor, it was concluded that in the basins of such large rivers of the Arkhangelsk region as the Northern Dvina and Pinega, the processes of washout and transit, and, as a result, the pollution transfer prevail. In the basins of the Onega and Mezen rivers, accumulation of sedimentary material is predominant.

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Sobre autores

E. Polyakova

Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research, Ural branch RAS

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Rússia, Nikolskii prospect 20, Arkhangelsk, 163020

Yu. Kutinov

Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research, Ural branch RAS

Rússia, Nikolskii prospect 20, Arkhangelsk, 163020

Z. Chistova

Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research, Ural branch RAS

Rússia, Nikolskii prospect 20, Arkhangelsk, 163020

A. Mineev

Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research, Ural branch RAS

Rússia, Nikolskii prospect 20, Arkhangelsk, 163020


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Arquivos suplementares

Arquivos suplementares
2. Fig. 1. The scheme of the catchment area of the White Sea: a — with the subjects of the Russian Federation and sources of pollution according to [20]: 1-6 — anthropogenic impact objects within the basin: 1 — mining and mining; 2 — cellulose- paper; 3 — transport; 4 — energy; 5 — mining and metallurgical; 6 — complex impact; b – zoning of the basin according to the degree of negative impact of river runoff on the quality of marine waters according to [1]: 1-4 — impact: 1 — unacceptable, 2 — permissible, 3 — weak, 4 — insignificant.

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3. Fig. 2. Digital relief model with a resolution of 1 angular second and its enlarged fragment (a) and schemes of catchment areas of large rivers within the Arkhangelsk region in hydrological (b) and geomorphometric (c) concepts. b — basins of large rivers: 1 — Northern Dvina, 2 — Onega, 3 — Pinega, 4 — Mezen.

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4. Fig. 3. The scheme of zoning of the region according to the conditions of accumulation and transfer of material: 1-3 — zones: 1 — demolition , 2 — erosion and transit, 3 — accumulation. The figures in the circles are hills and plateaus: 1 — the Belomorsko- Kuloyskoye plateau; 2 — the plateau of the Onega Peninsula; 3 — Dvino-Mezen upland; 4 — upland Severnye Uvaly; 5th Onego-Dvinskaya upland; 6 — Windy Belt; 7 — Velsko-Ustyansk plateau.

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5. Fig. 4. Scheme of comparison of cluster values of the density of drainless depressions with the density of swamps (a) and the distribution of karst rocks (b) in the territory of the Arkhangelsk region. 1-3 - cluster values of the density of drainless depressions: 1 — minimum; 2 — average; 3 — maximum; 4-8 — density of swamps, %: 4 — less than 10; 5 – 10-20; 6 – 20-30; 7 — 30-40; 8 — more than 40; 9 — karst rocks development zone, 10 — karst types: I — open, II — covered.

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6. Fig. 5. Diagrams of the main catchment areas of rivers according to digital modeling data.

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7. Fig. 6. Schemes for comparing the sources of anthropogenic impact on the natural environment of the Arkhangelsk region: a — with basins of large rivers, b - with cluster density values of drainless depressions. 1-5 — zones: 1 — intensive industrial impact; 2 — mining, 3 — impacts of the cosmodrome, 4 — dumping of spent rocket stages, 5 — forestry impact; 6 — public and federal roads; 7-14 — deposits: 7 — diamonds, 8 — bauxite, 9 — gypsum, 10 — limestone, 11 — building stones, 12 — clay, 13 — sand, 14 — sand-gravel material, 15 - fresh groundwater, 16 — mineral groundwater; 17 — CHP; 18 — large diesel power plants; 19-23 — river basins: 19 — Northern Dvina, 20 — Onega, 21 — Pinega, 22 — Mezen, 23 — all others; 24-26 — cluster densities of drainless depressions: 24 — minimum, 25 — average, 26 is the maximum.

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