Volume 31, Nº 6 (2023)


Edição completa


On the 70th anniversary of Alexander M. Feigin

Mukhin D.


Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(6):677-679
pages 677-679 views

Simulation of self-induced capillary break up of a viscous liquid jet

Safronov A., Koroteev A., Grigoriev A., Filatov N.


The aim of the study is to reveal the patterns of self-induced disintegration of a viscous liquid jet flowing out at low speed from a capillary hole under microgravity conditions. The research method is numerical modeling of the regularities of self-induced capillary decay using the methods of Lagrange mechanics. Results. A verified technique for numerical simulation of a capillary jet of a viscous liquid based on the methods of Lagrange mechanics. Identified patterns of self-induced decay of a viscous jet under microgravity conditions. Dependence of the length of the undisintegrated part of the jet on the viscosity of the liquid and the velocity of its outflow from the capillary nozzle. Conclusion. The developed numerical simulation technique allows one to correctly and efficiently (from the point of view of the computing resource used) simulate the dynamics of a capillary jet, taking into account complex nonlinear and boundary effects. A pronounced effect of viscosity on the regularities of the disintegration of a jet moving at low speed has been established. The obtained spectral characteristics of perturbations in the jet make it possible to raise the question of the possibility of developing an asymptotic theory of the self-induced decay of a viscous jet.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(6):680-692
pages 680-692 views

Kink dynamics of the sine-Gordon equation in a model with three identical attracting or repulsive impurities

Ekomasov E., Kudryavtsev R., Samsonov K., Nazarov V., Kabanov D.


Purpose of this work is to use analytical and numerical methods to consider the problem of the structure and dynamics of the kinks in the sine-Gordon model with “impurities” (or spatial inhomogeneity of the periodic potential). Methods. Using the method of collective variables for the case of three identical point impurities located at the same distance from each other, a system of differential equations is obtained. Resulting system of equations makes it possible to describe the dynamics of the kink taking into account the excitation of localized waves on impurities. To analyze the dynamics of the kink in the case of extended impurities, a numerical finite difference method with an explicit integration scheme was applied. Frequency analysis of kink oscillations and localized waves calculated numerically was performed using a discrete Fourier transform. Results. For the kink dynamics, taking into account the excitation of oscillations in modes, a system of equations for the coordinate of the kink center and the amplitudes of waves localized on impurities is obtained and investigated. Significant differences are observed in the dynamics of the kink when interacting with a repulsive and attractive impurity. The dynamics of the kink in a model with three identical extended impurities, taking into account possible resonant effects, was solved numerically. It is established that the found scenarios of kink dynamics for an extended rectangular impurity are qualitatively similar to the scenarios obtained for a point impurity described using a delta function. All possible scenarios of kink dynamics were determined and described taking into account resonant effects. Conclusion. The analysis of the influence of system parameters and initial conditions on possible scenarios of kink dynamics is carried out. Critical and resonant kink velocities are found as functions of the impurity parameters.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(6):693-709
pages 693-709 views

Identification and dynamics prediction of a plane vortex structure based on a mathematical model of a point vortices system

Govorukhin V.


The aim of the article is developing and analyse an algorithmic method for solution finding of one inverse problem of 2d vortex fluid dynamics. It is identification and prediction of the flow structure evolution of the based on the data on fluid velocity vectors in a set of reference points. Theoretical analysis of convergence and adequacy of the method is difficult due to the ill-posedness typical of inverse problems, these issues studied experimentally. Methods. The proposed method uses a mathematical model of a point vortex dynamics system for identification and prediction flow structures. The parameters of the model system are found by minimising the functional that evaluates the closeness of the original and model vectors fields at the reference points. The prediction of the vortex structure dynamics is based on the solution of the Cauchy problem for a system of ordinary differential equations with the parameters found in the first stage. Results. As a result of the calculations, we found it out: the algorithm converges to the desired minimum from a wide range of initial approximations; the algorithm converges in all cases when the identified structure consists of sufficiently distant vortices; the forecast of the development of the current gives good results with a steady flow; if the above conditions are violated, the part of successful calculations decreases, false identification and an erroneous forecast may occur; with the convergence of the method, the coordinates and circulation of the eddies of the model system are close to the characteristics of the eddies of the test configurations; the structures of the streamlines of the flows are topologically equivalent; convergence depends more on location than on the number of vectors used for identification. Conclusion. An algorithm for solving the problem of identifying and the evolution forecast of a 2d vortex flow structure is proposed when the fluid velocity vectors in a finite set of reference points are known. The method showed its high efficiency when using from 40 to 200 reference points. The results of the study make it possible to recommend the proposed algorithm for identifying flat vortex structures, which consist of vortices separated from each other.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(6):710-726
pages 710-726 views

Excitation by shot circuited coaxial transducer of magnetostatic modes in rectangular yttrium iron garnet film

Babichev R.


The purpose of this work is the study of design of new short-circuited coaxial transducer with thin linear jumper, that circuits on one side of the grounded coaxial cylinder, located above the rectangular iron-yttrium garnet (YIG) film, in homogeneous constant magnetic field with rectangular film along its length or width. The thin linear jumper is directed parallel to the width of the YIG film. Methods. In the CST Microwave Studio environment, an electrodynamic analysis of the model was carried out using the finite element method. To study the efficiency of modes excitation in a ferrite film at different distances between the coaxial transducer and the surface of the YIG film, the frequency dependences of the inverse losses S11 of the model were calculated. Results. 1. The identification of modes in a homogeneous static magnetic field H , directed parallel to the plane of a rectangular YIG film along its width (z-axis) was carried out. 2. The identification of modes in a homogeneous static magnetic field H directed parallel to the plane of the rectangular YIG film along its length (y-axis) was carried out. 3. A comparison of modes spectra was made at H, directed parallel to the plane of the YIG film along its width (z-axis) and length (y-axis). Conclusion. In this paper short-circuited transducer with a thin linear jumper, circuited on one side of the grounded coaxial cylinder, is investigated. By the electrodynamic method distributions of high-frequency magnetic field of the excited magnetostatic modes were calculated and their identification was carried out for two directions of homogeneous static magnetic field H: along width and along length of rectangular YIG film. The dependence of number of excited modes on the distance between a short-circuited transducer and rectangular YIG was also studied. A comparison of modes spectra is carried out at H, directed parallel to the plane of the YIG film along its width and length. With this rotation of vector, the band of effectively excitable modes shifts from 4.6...4.9 GHz to 4.5...4.75 GHz. However, the excitation of these modes in the case of the vector H, directed along the width of YIG film (z-axis), is much more effective in the band 4.65...4.9 GHz than in the case when this vector is directed along the length of YIG film (y-axis). At the same time, excitation of these modes in the case of the vector H, directed along the length of YIG film (y-axis) is effective in the band 4.4...4.6 GHz.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(6):727-738
pages 727-738 views

Exact sequence matches in genomic studies

Sheinman M.


The purpose of this article is to review usage of exact sequence matches in different field of genomic studies. Methods. The presentation is built in the form of a brief review of clearly non-exhaustive list of works in which the authors inferred biological knowledge using statistical properties of exact matches between different genomic texts or self-matches along the same genomic sequence. Results. Often, in genomic studies, different genomic loci exhibit different statistical properties, while their boundaries are not known a priory. In such cases we conclude that studying statistical properties of exact sequence matches is a useful alternative to other methods, for instance, based on arbitrary-size (non-)sliding windowing of the genome. Conclusion. This review demonstrates that exact sequences matches are not only an important auxiliary alignment step, but also helpful in other contexts. Their statistical properties are relatively easy to calculate analytically or numerically under various assumptions and compare to empirical data, validating models and fitting the models’ parameters.

Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(6):739-756
pages 739-756 views

Collective dynamics of a neural network of excitable and inhibitory populations: oscillations, tristability, chaos

Kirillov S., Zlobin A., Klinshov V.


The purpose of this work is to study the collective dynamics of a neural network consisting of excitatory and inhibitory populations. The method of reducing the network dynamics to new generation neural mass models is used, and a bifurcation analysis of the model is carried out. As a result the conditions and mechanisms for the emergence of various modes of network collective activity are described, including collective oscillations, multistability of various types, and chaotic collective dynamics. Conclusion. The low-dimensional reduced model is an effective tool for studying the essential patterns of collective dynamics in large-scale neural networks. At the same time, the analysis also allows us to elicit more subtle effects, such as the emergence of synchrony clusters in the network and the shifting effect for the boundaries of the existence of dynamical modes.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(6):757-775
pages 757-775 views

Electric fish as an object of fundamental research

Olshanskiy V., Baron V., MacMahon E., Zlenko D.


The aim of this work is to show the role of research on electric fish and their role in fundamental problems’ solvation. We are trying to involve additional specialists in our studies. Methods. We have developed a setup allowing simultaneous multielectrode registration and visualization of electric fields around fish, which is a novel tool in electric fish studies. Results. The article is a review. We tried to show the history of electric fish research and the peculiarities of the Russian school of electroecology.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(6):776-812
pages 776-812 views

To the memory of Dmitry V. Sokolov

Rozhnev A., Ryskin N.


Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;31(6):813-814
pages 813-814 views

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