Variational approach to the construction of discrete mathematical model of the pendulum motion with vibrating suspension with friction



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The main purpose of this work is, first, a construction of the indirect Hamilton’s variational principle for the problem of motion of a pendulum with a vibration suspension with friction, oscillating along a straight line making a small angle with the vertical line. Second, the construction on its basis of the difference scheme. Third, to carry out its investigation by methods of numerical analysis. Methods. The problem of motion of the indicated pendulum is considering as a particular case of the given boundary problem for a nonlinear second order differential equations. For the solution of problem of its variational formulation there is used the criterion of potentiality of operators — the symmetry of the Gateaux derivative of nonlinear operator of the given problem. This criterion is also used for the construction of variational multiplier and the corresponding Hamilton’s variational principle. On its basis there is constructed and investigated a discrete analog of the given boundary problem and a problem of motion of the pendulum. Results. It is proved that the operator of the given boundary problem is not potential with respect to the classical bilinear form. There is found a variational multiplier and constructed the corresponding indirect Hamilton’s variational principle. On its basis there is obtained a discrete analog of the given boundary problem and its solution is found. As particular cases one can deduce from that the corresponding results for the problem of motion of the pendulum. There are performed numerical experiments, establishing the dependence of solutions of the problem of motion of the pendulum on the change of parameters. Conclusion. There is worked out a variational approach to the construction of two difference schemes for the problem of a pendulum with a suspension with friction, oscillating along a straight line making a small angle with the vertical line. There are presented results of numerical simulation under different parameters of the problem. Numerical results show that under sufficiently small amplitude and sufficiently big frequency of the oscillations of the point of suspension the pendulum realizes a periodical motion.

Sobre autores

Vladimir Savchin

RUDN University

Moscow Miklukho-Maklaya str.6

Phuoc Trinh

RUDN University

Moscow Miklukho-Maklaya str.6


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