Analytical method of optical wave behavior studying in nonlinear medium with periodically arranged conducting nanofilms

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The purpose of this work is to build the analytical model of the behavior of a harmonic wave in a nonlinear optical medium with periodically arranged nanofilms. Methods. The modernized method is presented of non-smooth transformation of the argument to eliminate the Dirac functions on the right side of the non-linear inhomogeneous differential equation describing linear polarized wave behavior within a non-linear optical medium with periodically arranged conducting nanofilms. Small parameter methods, in particular, the averaging method, is also used to find an approximate analytical solution. Results. The fully analytical model of the behavior of a linear polarized harmonic wave within a nonlinear optical medium with periodically arranged conducting nanofilms is constructed. Conclusion. For the case of propagation of a linearly polarized harmonic wave in a nonlinear optical medium with periodically arranged conducting nanofilms, the mathematical model based on the non-smooth argument transformation method is constructed. The model is fully analytical, all expressions are obtained directly from Maxwell’s equations by identical transformations. The limits of its applicability are determined by the limits of application of the wave theory of light. 

About the authors

Svetlana Anatolena Volkova

Astrakhan State Technical University

16 Tatischev Str. Astrakhan, Russia

Konstantin Anatol'evich Vytovtov

Институт проблем управления им. В.А. Трапезникова РАН

Профсоюзная 65

Elizaveta Aleksandrovna Barabanova

Институт проблем управления им. В.А. Трапезникова РАН

Профсоюзная 65

Sergey Anatolevich Hahomov

Francysk Skaryna Gomel State University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7068-7061
Scopus Author ID: 14419987900
Belarus, Mogilev, Shmidta 3

Dmitry Leonidovich Kovalenko

Francysk Skaryna Gomel State University

Belarus, Mogilev, Shmidta 3

Mihail Germanovich Ivanov

Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI)

111250 Moscow, st. Krasnokazarmennaya, 14


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