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卷 31, 编号 2 (2023)



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Intensity of Chemical Weathering in Late Precambrian: New Data on the Riphean Stratotype (Southern Ural)

Maslov A., Podkovyrov V., Котов А.


The values of Ni/Co, La/Sc, and Th/Cr (indicators of the composition of rock complexes eroded in paleowatersheds) and the values of CIA, Rb/Al, K/Al and K/Rb (indicators of the intensity of chemical weathering on land), typical for fine-grained clastic rocks of the Riphean of the Southern Urals were compared to the data given in the publication “Long-term evolution of terrestrial weathering and its link to Earth’s oxygenation” by Bayon G., Bindeman I.N., Trinquier A., Retallack G.J., and Bekker A. (Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 2022, v. 584. 117490). It was shown that the average Rb/Al ratio (0.0014 ± 0.0006, n = 66) typical of the Riphean clayey rocks of the Southern Urals, together with other data, suggests that for more than 1.10 Ga (from ~1.75 to ~0.60 Ga) the intensity of chemical weathering in paleowatersheds was relatively low. This is in good agreement with the data obtained by Bayon et al. The material presented in the article allows us to consider that the composite “world” curves of K/Al, Rb/Al, and K/Rb by Bayon et al. and the same curves for clayey rocks of the Riphean of the Southern Urals are sufficiently comparable. Thus, data on the lithogeochemical characteristics of fine-grained clastic/clayey rocks of the Riphean stratotype significantly expand our understanding of the nature of chemical weathering processes on land in the interval 1.75–0.60 Ga ago.

Stratigrafiâ. Geologičeskaâ korrelâciâ. 2023;31(2):3-21
pages 3-21 views

Microfossils and Sedimentary Environments of the Zherba Basin: Upper Vendian of the Patom Highland of Siberia

Vorob’eva N., Petrov P., Лужная Е.


In the Upper Vendian deposits of the Zherba Formation of the Siberian Patom Basin, an association of organic-walled microfossils was described for the first time. The microfossils differ markedly from each other in the type of preservation. One group of microfossils includes highly corroded filamentous and rare spheromorphic acritarchs. The other group is represented exclusively by spheromorphic and acanthomorphic acritarchs with well-preserved vesicles, which are identical to microfossils from the underlying Lower Vendian Ura Formation. The performed facies analysis showed the coastal-continental and shallow-water-shelf environments of the Zherba basin, which existed under low sea level conditions and deep continental erosion in adjacent uplifts. Under such conditions, the ancient Ura microfossils contained within fine-grained lithoclastics could enter the sedimentation zone inhabited by primitive shallow-water communities. The processes of large-scale recycling throughout almost the entire Zherba time led to the mixing of taphocenoses of different ages, represented by ecologically and taxonomically contrasting associations of microorganisms.

Stratigrafiâ. Geologičeskaâ korrelâciâ. 2023;31(2):22-39
pages 22-39 views

Stratigraphy and Seismostratigraphy of the Permian Evaporite Formation in the Salt-Producing Province of the Caspian Region: Problems and Solutions

Antipov M., Bykadorov V., Volozh Y., Naugolnykh S., Patina I., Pisarenko Y., Postnikova I., Абилхасимов К.


The paper deals with the composition and stratigraphy of the evaporite formation in the salt-producing province of the Caspian region. Based on seismostratigraphic approach, the correlation of geological sections in the lateral areas of the salt-producing province with the halokinetically deformed sections in the central areas of the Preсaspian depression is proposed. As a result of the research, a new local stratigraphic scheme of the Permian evaporite formation of the Central subprovince is proposed and the principles of its construction using the results of the seismostratigraphic analysis of the Asselian-Tatarian seismogeological substage and the accepted serial legends of three groups of sheets of geological maps (scale 1 : 1000 000; Scyphian (South-European), Central-European, and Uralian maps) are outlined. The results obtained significantly clarify the known schemes of the oil and geological zoning of the Caspian oil and gas province and contribute to the development of the resources of the deep (subsalt) horizons of its sedimentary cover.

Stratigrafiâ. Geologičeskaâ korrelâciâ. 2023;31(2):40-58
pages 40-58 views

Boreal Toarcian Biochronological Zonation by Bivalves of the Genus Meleagrinella Whitfield, 1885

Lutikov O., Arp G., Захаров В.


Based on the chronological sequence of species of the bivalve genus Meleagrinella Whitfield, 1885 (family Oxytomidae Ichikawa, 1958) established in the Toarcian deposits of Northeast Russia, Eastern Siberia, and South Germany, a biochronological scale of the Lower Toarcian is proposed. Three oxytozones corresponding to Boreal ammonite zones are established: Meleagrinella golberti Oxytozone = Tiltoniceras antiquum and Harpoceras falciferum zones; Meleagrinella substriata Oxytozone = Dactylioceras commune Zone; Meleagrinella prima Oxytozone = Zugodactylites braunianus and Pseudolioceras compactile zones. Using the proposed zonation, an interregional correlation of sections of the Lower Toarcian of the North-East of Russia (Astronomicheskaya, Saturn, Brodnaya, Start rivers), Eastern Siberia (Anabar Bay, Markha, Tyung, Vilyui, Kelimyar, Motorchuna, wells of the Vilyui syneclise) and South Germany (the Ludwig Canal) is performed.

Stratigrafiâ. Geologičeskaâ korrelâciâ. 2023;31(2):59-81
pages 59-81 views

New data on the Structure of the Terminal Part of the Volgian Stage of the Upper Jurassic in the Reference Section Near the Vasilyevskoye Village, Yaroslavl Region

Kiselev D., Rogov M., Барабошкин Е.


The study of new sections of the upper part of the Upper Volgian substage near the Vasilyevskoye village (R-ybinsk district, Yaroslavl region) made it possible to clarify the position of the lower boundary and the infrazonal division of the Volgidiscus singularis Zone. Until recently, the lower part of the Singularis Zone was not characterized by ammonites, but thanks to the study of these sections, it was possible to establish the sequence of craspeditins ammonoids (Volgidiscus and Anivanovia) and to identify a new biohorizon Volgidiscus cf. lamplughi. The lower boundary of the Singularis Zone in the Chudinovskaya Formation sections is determined by the first appearance of Volgidiscus above the Craspedites milkovensis biohorizon. The infrazonal volume of the Singularis Zone is represented by three biohorizons: V. cf. lamplughi, V. pulcher and V. singularis. At present, the Singularis Zone is characterized by the most complete structure in the Panboreal Superrealm, which allows it to be considered as an infrazonal standard for the upper part of the Upper Volgian substage.

Stratigrafiâ. Geologičeskaâ korrelâciâ. 2023;31(2):82-100
pages 82-100 views

New Data on Planktonic Foraminifera and Ostracods of the Barremian(?)–Aptian of Eastern Crimea: Stratigraphy and Paleoecology

Karpuk M., Вишневская В.


Planktonic foraminifera and ostracods of the upper Barremian (?)–lower Aptian of the Kokluk section (Eastern Crimea) are studied. Three interval-zones are established based on foraminifera: Globigerinelloides blowi, Hedbergella ruka and H. excelsa. Beds with H. ruka are described as a zone. Based on ostracods, Robsoniella minima–Loxoella variealveolata Zone and Beds with Cytheropteron tesakovae are determined. An interval possibly corresponding to OAE 1a is ascertained. Species C. tesakovae is described as new. The Kokluk section is correlated with coeval sections Verkhorechie (South-Western Crimea) and Zavodskaya balka (Eastern Crimea). Paleoecological analyses of the Kokluk section is made.

Stratigrafiâ. Geologičeskaâ korrelâciâ. 2023;31(2):101-120
pages 101-120 views