
Regional Paleogene Stratigraphic Scheme of Kaliningrad Oblast: State of the Art, Problems and Perspectives for Improvement
Iakovleva A.
Justification of the Age of Sands with Middle and Late Quaternary Theriofaunal Complexes in the Lower Ob’ River Near the Village Khashgort (North-Western Siberia)
Zolnikov I., Borodin A., Filatov E., Korkin S., Markova E., Yalkovskaya L., Galimov A., Levitskaya P.
Upper Pliocene–Lower Pleistocene upper molasse Belorechensk Formation of Western Ciscaucasia in context of regional neotectonics and paleogeography
Trikhunkov Y., Bachmanov D., Tesakov А., Titov V., Lomov V., Sokolov S., Latyshev А., Simakova А., Syromyatnikova Е., Ҫelik H., Shchelinsky V., Frolov P., Shalaeva Е., Nikolskaya P.
Reference Section of the Сampanian Stage of the Southwestern Crimea: Problems of Substage Subdivision and Global Correlation
Baraboshkin E., Guzhikov A., Aleksandrova G., Akinin V., Ryabov I., Ustinova M., Rtischev N., Vishnevskaya V.
Late Albian–Early Turonian Grebenka Flora of the North Pacific: Systematic Composition, Age, Distibution
Herman A., Shczepetov S., Волынец Е.
In Addition to Discussion on the Correlation of the Bajocian–Bathonian Sections in the Izhma River Basin, European North of Russia
Mitta V., Glinskikh L., Kostyleva V., Shurygin B., Dzyuba O., Nikitenko B., Гуляев Д.
Main Events of the Geological History of Cyprus in the Late Cretaceous
Bragin N., Вишневская В.
Biostratigraphy of the Devonian–Lower Carboniferous Deposits of the Bambui-Olingda Subzone (South Muya Ridge, Western Transbaikalia)
Minina O., Doronina N., Kurilenko A., Neberikutina L., Tashlykov V., Ершова Е.
Stratigraphy of Cenozoic Deposits and the History of the Latest Stage of Geological Development of the Zaisan Depression (Eastern Kazakhstan)
Trikhunkov Y., Tesakov A., Bachmanov D., Syromyatnikova E., Latyshev A., Bulanov S., Azelkhanov A., Suyekpaev E., Зыкин В.
Early Jurassic (Sinemurian) Ammonoids from the Boulders of the Greek Quarry, Central Crimea
Zaitsev B., Ippolitov A., Гуляев Д.
Composition and Age of the Ayanka Flora (Late Cretaceous, Santonian-Campanian) of the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanogenic Belt: Response to the Criticism
Moiseeva M., Herman A., Sokolova A., Барабошкин Е.
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