Microfauna, Palynomorphs, and Biostratigraphy of the Upper Bajocian Strenoceras niortense Zone (Middle Jurassic) of the Kuban River Basin, Northern Caucasus

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The results of the study of microfossils of the Strenoceras niortense Zone of the Upper Bajocian of Karachay-Cherkessian Republic are presented. The zone is represented mainly by dark gray silty-sandy clays, with nodules scattered in the stratum, often forming interbeds, and belongs to the lower part of the upper subformation of the Djangura Formation. The systematic composition and distribution of foraminifera, ostracods, dinoflagellate cysts, and myospores in the section have been established. The volume of biostratigraphic subdivisions for foraminifera, ostracods, and dinocysts has been specified; they were compared with the ammonite scale. According to benthic foraminifers, these are beds with Ophthalmidium caucasicum, comparable with the entire Niortense Zone and most of the Garantiana Zone. The beds with Globuligerina dagestanica established by planktonic foraminifera are compared with the entire studied interval from the Niortense zone to the Lower Bathonian, inclusive. In the middle-upper part of the Niortense Zone (Rostovtsevi and Baculatum Subzones), beds with ostracods Palaeocytheridea (Malzevia) subtilis were established for the first time. Beds with dinocysts Carpathodinium predae, Rhynchodiniopsis? regalis, Meiourogonyaulax valensii are understood within the volume of the Niortense and Garantiana Zones and the lower part of the Parkinsoni zone, inclusive. Images of characteristic taxa of microfauna and dinocysts are given.

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About the authors

V. V. Mitta

Borissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences; Cherepovets State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: mitta@paleo.ru
Russian Federation, Moscow; Cherepovets

L. A. Glinskikh

Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: mitta@paleo.ru
Russian Federation, Novosibirsk

Yu. N. Savelieva

Aprelevka branch of All-Russian Geological Oil Institute

Email: mitta@paleo.ru
Russian Federation, Aprelevka, Moscow region

O. V. Shurekova

Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute (VSEGEI)

Email: mitta@paleo.ru
Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Outcrop location scheme of the Strenoceras niortense zone of the upper bajos of the Kuban River basin: general (a) and detailed (b)

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3. Fig. 2. Sections of the Strenoceras niortense zone on the left bank of the Kyafar River (localities 30, 31, 31a). 1 - silt-sand clays, 2 - argillite-like clays, 3 - multigrain sandstones, 4 - lenses, 5 - nodules, 6 - levels of sampling for microfauna and palynomorphs

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4. Fig. 3. Section of the Strenoceras niortense zone on the right bank of the Kyafar River (location 17). For notation see Fig. 2

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5. Fig. 4. Sections of the Strenoceras niortense zone on the right bank of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River (localities 34 and 35). See Fig. 2 for notation

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6. Fig. 5. Sections of the Strenoceras niortense zone on the left bank of the Kuban River near Krasnogorskaya village (localities 19, 20, 21). See Fig. 2 for notation

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7. Fig. 6. Distribution of foraminifera in the Strenoceras niortense zone of the upper bajos of the Kuban River basin

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8. Fig. 7. Distribution of the main ostracod species in the Strenoceras niortense zone of the upper bajos of the Kuban River basin

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9. Fig. 8. Distribution of microphytoplankton and the ratio of the main groups of palynomorphs in the Strenoceras niortense zone of the upper bajos of the Kuban River basin

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10. Fig. 9. Correlation of terrestrial (spores, pollen) and marine (acritarchs, dinocysts and prasinophytes) groups of palynomorphs in the Late Bajos-Early Bathonian of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River basin

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11. Fig. 10. Biostratigraphic subdivisions of the Upper Bajos-Lower Bathonian of the Kuban River basin according to different groups of fossils and their comparison with the chronostratigraphic scale (according to Mitta et al., 2017, 2018, 2021; Mitta, 2019, 2021; Mitta, 2023, with additions for the Strenoceras niortense zone). Fillings show the studied biostratigraphic intervals. Abbreviations: ICS - International Stratigraphic Scale, IP - local (lithostratigraphic) subdivisions

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12. Table I. Foraminifera of the Strenoceras niortense zone of the upper bajos of the Kuban River basin. Scale bar length 100 µm. 1 - Reophax sp.; 2 - Haplophragmoides planus Antonova; 3 - Ammobaculites sp.; 4 - Spirillina eichbergensis (Kuebler et Zwingli); 5 - Verneuilinoides micrus (Antonova); 6 - Bojarkaella sp. ; 7 - Dentalina sp.; 8 - Ophthalmidium clarum (Antonova); 9 - Ophthalmidium caucasicum (Antonova); 10 - Astacolus caucasicus (Antonova); 11 - Marginulinopsis sp, 12 - Falsopalmula sp.; 13 - Garantella floscula Kaptarenko-Tshernousova; 14 - Paalzowella sp.; 15, 16 - Globuligerina dagestanica (Morozova); 17 - Globuligerina glinskikhae Gradstein et Waskowska. Figs. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15 - fig. 15-2-17-2; fig. 2 - fig. 15-2-17-3; figs. 8, 12, 16, 17 - fig. 15-2-17-1; fig. 9 - fig. 17-1-31-1; right bank of the Kyafar River; fig. 3 - fig. 16-1-31-2, left bank of the Kyafar River; figs. 10, 11, 13 - fig. 16-1-34-2, Bolshoi Zelenchuk River

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13. Table II. Ostracods of the Strenoceras niortense zone of the upper Bajos of the Kuban River basin. 1 - Cytherella cf. apostolescui Ainsworth, 1986, shell on the left; 2 - C. cf. limpida Blaszyk, 1967, left lateral flap; 3 - Cytherelloidea sp. 1, shell on the right; 4 - Bairdia sp., right lateral flap; 5 - Cardobairdia inflata Szczechura et Blaszyk, 1968, shell on the right; 6 - Paracypris? bajociana Bate, 1963, shell on the right; 7 - Pontocyprella? sp, right shell; 8 - Eucytherura cf. parairregularis (Brand, 1990), right flap; 9 - E. aff. grandipyga (Tesakova, 2003), left flap; 10 - E. aff. argentina Ballent, 1991, right shell; 11 - E. aff. sp. 2 Tesakova et Shurupova, 2018, left lateral flap; 12 - E. sp. 5 (sp. nov.), right lateral flap; 13 - E. transversiplicata (Bate et Coleman, 1975), left lateral flap; 14 - E. angulocostata Knitter, 1983, left lateral flap; 15 - E. sigmoidea (Brand, 1990), right lateral flap; 16 - E. sp. 3, right lateral flap; 17 - Procytherura sp. 1 in Ohmert et Franz, 2021, right shell; 18 - P. multicostata Ainsworth, 1986, right lateral flap; 19 - P. sp., right shell; 20 - Balowella? sp. 1, shell on the left; 21 - Cytheropterina? sp. 1, left lateral flap; 22 - Cytheropteron ex gr. spinosum Lyubimova, 1955, right lateral flap; 23 - Procytheropteron gramanni Brand, 1990, right lateral flap; 24 - P.? sp. 3, right lateral flap; 25 - Infracytheropteron? sp., left lateral flap; 26 - Progonocythere triangulata Braun in Ohmert, 2004, right lateral flap; 27 - Pleurocythere? sp. 1, right lateral flap; 28 - Palaeocytheridea (Malzevia) blaszykina Franz et al., 2009, left lateral flap; 29 - P. (M.) subtilis Permjakova, 1974: 29 - right lateral flap; 30 - right lateral flap; 31 - P. (Palaeocytheridea) sp, right lateral flap; 32 - Tethysia bathonica Sheppard in Brand, 1990, left lateral flap. Fig. 1, 17, 19 - obr. 17-1-31-1; Fig. 7 - obr. 15-2-17-3, right bank of the Kyafar River, subzone Rostovtsevi (faunal horizon lissajousi); Fig. 2, 3, 12, 13, 15, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32 - obr. 15-2-17-2, right bank of the Kyafar River, subzone Baculatum (faunal horizon bispinatum); fig. 4, 14, 14, 20, 22, 23 - obr. 15-2-17-1, right bank of the Kyafar River, subzone Baculatum (faunal horizon bispinatum); Fig. 5, 25 - obr. 16-1-31-1, left bank of the Kyafar River, subzone Baculatum (faunal horizon praegarantianum); fig. 6 - obr. 16-1-34-1, Bolshoi Zelenchuk River, Rostovtsevi subzone (faunal horizon graebensteini); Fig. 8, 10, 18 - obr. 16-1-31-2, left bank of the Kyafar River, Rostovtsevi subzone (faunal horizon Rostovtsevi); Fig. 9, 21, 30 - obr. 9, 21, 30 - obr. 16-1-30-2, left bank of the Kyafar River, subzone Baculatum (faunal horizon bispinatum); Figs. 11, 16, 24, 29 - obr. 15-2-17-3, right bank of the Kyafar River, subzone Baculatum (faunal horizon bispinatum)

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14. Table III. Dinocysts of the Strenoceras niortense zone of the upper bajos of the Kuban River basin. 1, 2 - Ctenidodinium ornatum (Eisenack, 1935) Deflandre, 1939; 3 - Ctenidodinium continuum Gocht, 1970; 4, 5, 6 - Dissiliodinium caddaense (Filatoff, 1975) Stover et Helby, 1987; 7, 11 - Dissiliodinium spp. ; 8a, 8b - Korystocysta pachyderma (Deflandre, 1939) Woollam, 1983; 9, 10 - Dissiliodinium “granulatum”; 12 - Durotrigia daveyi Bailey, 1987. Fig. 1, 4, 6, 10, 11 - obr. 16-1-34-1, Bolshoy Zelenchuk River, Rostovtsevi subzone; Fig. 2, 12 - obr. 16-1-34-2, Bolshoy Zelenchuk River, Rostovtsevi subzone; Fig. 3 - obr. 16-1-30-2, left bank of the river. Fig. 5, 9 - obr. 20-1-20-1, left bank of the Kuban River, Rostovtsevi subzone; Fig. 7, 8 - obr. 20-1-21-1, left bank of the Kuban River, Humilis subzone

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15. Table IV. Dinocysts (Figs. 1-18) and acritarchs (Fig. 19) of the Strenoceras niortense zone of the upper Bajos of the Kuban River basin. 1a, 1b, 3a, 3b - Cribroperidinium crispum (Wetzel, 1967) Fenton, 1981; 2, 4 - Meiourogonyaulax valensii Sarjeant, 1966; 5, 6, 7 - Rhynchodiniopsis? regalis (Gocht, 1970) Jan du Chêne et al, 1985; 8 - Nannoceratopsis spiculata Stover, 1966; 9 - Nannoceratopsis senex van Helden, 1977; 10 - Nannoceratopsis gracilis Alberti, 1961; 11, 12 - Evansia granulata Pocock, 1972; 13 - Paraevansia brachythelis (Fensome, 1979) Below, 1990; 14, 15 - Carpathodinium preddae (Beju, 1971) Drugg, 1978; 16, 17 - Phallocysta eumekes Drhfer et Davies, 1980; 18 - Valensiella ovulum (Deflandre, 1947) Eisenack, 1963; 19 - Micrhystridium sp. Figs. 1, 8, 9, 10 - obr. 16-1-30-1, left bank of the Kyafar River, Baculatum subzone; figs. 3, 12, 13 - obr. 16-1-31-1, left bank of the Kyafar River, subzone Baculatum; Fig. 11 - obr. 15-2-17-1, right bank of the Kyafar River, subzone Baculatum; Fig. 2, 4, 6, 7, 14, 18 - obr. 16-1-34-1, river. Bolshoy Zelenchuk River, Rostovtsevi subzone; Fig. 5, 15 - obr. 20-1-20-1, left bank of the Kuban River, Rostovtsevi subzone; Fig. 16, 17, 19 - obr. 20-1-21-1, left bank of the Kuban River, Humilis subzone; Fig. 2, 4, 6, 7, 14, 18 - obr. 20-1-21-1, left bank of the Kuban River, Humilis subzone

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