The Age and the Accumulation Conditions of the Upper Paleogene–Lower Neogene Kurshskaya Formation Stratotype (Kaliningrad Oblast) by Palynological Data

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The results of the palinologycal study of the Kurshskaya Formation stratotype (Primorsky quarry, Kaliningrad Oblast) are presented. In the lower part of the Kurshskaya Formation (Member of “chocolate” clays), a complex of dinoflagellate cysts with Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum, Glaphyrocysta semitecta, and Cordosphaeridium funiculatum of latest Eocene age was found. The formation is characterized by four spore-pollen assemblages: (1) Pinuspollenites–Inaperturopollenites–Sciadopityspollenites assemblage of latest Eocene age in the “chocolate” clays and in the lower part of brown sands; (2) Sequoiapollenites–Betulaepollenites betuloides assemblage of early Oligocene age in the lower part of the brown sands member; (3) Boehlensipollis hohli–Carpinipites carpinoides assemblage of early Oligocene age in the middle part of brown sands member; (4) AlnipollenitesCorylopollis assemblage of late Oligocene–early Miocene age in the upper part of the brown sands of the Kurshskaya Formation. The general age of the Kurshskaya Formation is terminal Eocene–early Miocene. In the lower parts of the Zamland Formation, which overlies the Kurshskaya Formation, the PinuspollenitesTricolporopollenites pseudocingulumT. euphorii assemblage presumably of middle Miocene age was found. Based on the obtained palynological data, the conditions of sedimentation at the end of the Eocene–Oligocene–early Miocene in the South Baltic region are reconstructed. The regression of the sea basin began as early as the end of the Priabonian, the climate was still quite warm and humid, close to subtropical. Mesophytic mixed coniferous-broad-leaved forests grew along the shores of the strait, low-lying areas of land were occupied by marsh vegetation. Cooling at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary resulted in the appearance of hemlock in plant communities and an increase in the proportion of catkins (alder, birch, hornbeam). Presumably, in the late Oligocene–early Miocene, the proportion of small-leaved trees, especially alder and hazel, sharply increased in mesophytic forests, while the number of pine trees decreased. Wetter and warmer climatic conditions are assumed for the early Miocene: this time is characterized by an increase in the number of walnut, cypress, and Cyrillaceae. In the middle Miocene, the climate was still quite warm, but drier, and such moisture-loving species as podocarpus, spruce, glyptostrobus, and swamp cypress disappeared from plant communities.

About the authors

O. B. Kuzmina

Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Novosibirsk

A. I. Iakovleva

Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow

E. V. Mychko

Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences; Scientific and Education Center “Geoecology and Marine Resource Management”, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Russian Federation, Moscow; Russian Federation, Kaliningrad

М.Е. Былинская



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