Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie

Publication frequency: 6 issues per year. ISSN 0869-5415. Russian Catalogue Index 70845. The journal is distributed through subscription only.

The journal carries articles and essays in anthropology (primarily sociocultural), ethnology, and ethnography, as well as reviews of important publications in these fields. The editorial board welcomes interdisciplinary materials, such as lying in the border zones of anthropology and history, ethnology and sociology, physical/biological anthropology, and others, but traditionally gives priority to those among them which contribute first of all to the fields of sociocultural anthropology and ethnology. Please visit the Submissions section for more information on the current areas of interest of the journal and general submission guidelines.

Etnograficheskoe obozrenie is a peer-reviewed academic edition adhering to the regulations stipulated by the Russian state tenure committee (VAK) and the standards of international peer-reviewed journals. All submissions that are accepted for consideration undergo the standard double blind peer review procedure and are reviewed for approval by the editorial board. Materials that appear in the journal do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board.

Media registration certificate: 0110151 dated 04.02.1993

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No 2 (2024)

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Special theme of the issue: domestic ethnography and international scholarship in the 20th century: contacts, influences, and confrontations

“Dialogue” between Russian and (Post/Anti)Boasian Anthropologies
Kuznetsov I.V.

The article touches on the problem of self-perception of domestic scholars in a long on-going dialogue with American anthropology. The focus is on the figure of the latter’s founding father, who, as is known, maintained intensive contacts with many prominent Russian scholars (L. Shternberg, W. Bogoras, J. Averkieva, etc.). Thanks to him, they received their positions and degrees, weight in the scientific world. But there is much that is paradoxical in the Boasian influence on Russian anthropology. Bogoras, who was most strongly associated with him personally and adopted Boas’s fieldworks methods, nevertheless made little reference to him in his works. On the other hand, Averkieva, who quoted “Papa Franz” many times, practically remained unaffected by his intellectual influence. In the modern Russian history of anthropology, there is a growing desire to participate in the “sharing” of Boas’s legacy, together with their recognized American colleagues (G. Stocking, R. Darnell, etc.). However, the genealogy of professional connections between Russian and American anthropologists is not easy to construct. Mutual relationship sometimes appears in the most unexpected points (anthropological linguistics, physical anthropology), while parallels are often explained by “similar ways of thinking”.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(2):5-24
pages 5-24 views
Parallels between the Development of the Culture-Area Concept and “Economic and Technical Areas” in the 1920s–1930s
Tutorskiy A.V.

The article examines the development of the “culture area” concept in American cultural anthropology and that of “economic-cultural type” in Soviet ethnography in the 1920s–1930s. Three stages of development of the concepts have been outlined: 1) the 1890s–1910s, during which the concepts of areal/territorial studies received their initial design; the masterpiece of the period was “The American Indian” by C. Wissler (1917); 2) the 1920s, when the concepts were theoretically substantiated; 3) the 1930s, when discussion of the topic ceased in the USSR, while in the USA the concept of culture area was criticized by A. Kroeber for the lack of historicism. The article highlights the features of each national school: historicism in the USSR and consistent empiricism in the USA. It is also indicated that a number of provisions of the ECT/CA concepts in the pre-war period did not receive sufficient coverage: the relationship between environmental and cultural factors.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(2):25-45
pages 25-45 views
Ethnohistory and etnicheskaia istoriia: outer similarities and inner differences
Verkhovtsev D.V.

Soviet ethnic history (etnicheskaia istoriia) and North American ethnohistory share not only similar names but also similar methods, such as the collection of interdisciplinary sources and the synthesis of collected information by ethnographers/anthropologists. However, on the inside, differences substantially exceed similarities. Thus, the foundation of the Soviet research genre is a primordial understanding of ethnicity where the focus is the past of either indigenous groups or industrialized peoples, whereas the North American genre is principally concerned with the continuity of group identities. In these genres, disciplinary development crises were also handled differently: ethnohistorians, while occupying a rather marginal position within anthropology, nevertheless quite radically expanded the geographical and subject areas of their research, whereas in the works of ethnohistorians, on the contrary, the discussion of theoretical issues nearly ceased. This situation is due to the different modes of functioning of science and research scholarship in the respective societies, as well as different degrees of involvement in interactions with various levels of the governmental structure.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(2):46-67
pages 46-67 views
Soviet museum ethnography at the VII International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnographic Sciences: restoration and conservation of disciplinary heritage under the “gaze” of the West
Petriashin S.S.

 (1964) is considered in the article as a discussion space within which ethnographers and museum workers presented and debated different views on the past and present of their discipline. Archival materials are explored through the concepts of restoration and conservation – rhetorical strategies that involve different forms of interpretation of disciplinary heritage and projects for action. Projects for the “revival” of the Museum of the Peoples of the USSR in Moscow and “Materials on Ethnography’s” edition in Leningrad mostly referred to the ethnography of the 1920s, which was suppressed and criticized during the transition to Marxist methodology in the 1930s. The restoration strategy led to the recognition of the unspoken lag behind Western anthropology and museum affairs. The reconstruction of fragments of the past was proposed as a solution to the problem. The conservation strategy, on the contrary, saw Soviet museum ethnography as ahead of foreign ones. The legacy of the “marxization” of the 1930s, according to this rhetoric, was the key to victories in the past and present, and its criticism and rejection deprived Soviet ethnography of its advantages. Museum practices of research and representation of the culture and life of collective farmers and workers, and the active use of mannequins and life-size dioramas to show social relations were recognized as such a positive legacy.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(2):68-88
pages 68-88 views
How Moscow did not become a world center of marxist anthropology: historian L.V. Danilova, theoretical discussions of the 1960s, and international contacts of soviet scholars
Alymov S.S.

The article analyzes theoretical and methodological discussions in Russian ethnography and historiography of the 1960s. The focus is on the fate of the historian L.V. Danilova and the collection, edited by her, “Problems of the History of Pre-Capitalist Societies” (1968), one of the brightest achievements of the non-dogmatic Marxism of the thaw era. On the basis of new archival materials, it reconstructs the project of the multi-volume publication “Laws of History and Specific Forms of the World Historical Process”, traces the roots of the “new direction” in ethnography, and offers a new reading of the activity of the history methodology sector of the Institute of History. International team of the would-be authors of this project could have made it a notable phenomenon in world Marxist thought. The author concludes that this did not happen because of the opposition of the conservative academic establishment.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(2):89-110
pages 89-110 views

Visual anthropology and folk art

A cave with rock paintings in Cerro Ací (Colombia, Vaupes) as the dwelling of the Master of animals and object of ancient rock art
Matusovskiy A.А.

The article examines rock paintings in a cave in Cerro Aci, a sacred place of indigenous peoples living in the Cananari river basin, a left tributary of the Apaporis (Colombia, Vaupes department). Residents of the nearby multi-ethnic community, where taiwano, cabiyari and tatuyo live together but taiwano predominate, consider the cave in Cerro Aci to be the first maloka – a communal dwelling, the home of the Master of animals, one of the key characters in the traditional religion of the autochthonous population of the Vaupes region. Research interest in this object of ancient rock art is due to the lack of scientific information about it. I record the location of rock paintings in the interior of the sacred cave, describe them, analyze the interpretation of the symbolism of rock paintings proposed by taiwano informants, and evaluate the possibility of determining the ethnic identification of this object. I further compare the pictorial motifs of the sacred cave in Cerro Aci and another nearby rock art monument, Cerro Morocco. Special attention is paid to changes in the attitude of indigenous peoples of the region toward giving the strangers access to sacred places, such as the dwelling of the Master of animals in Cerro Aci.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(2):112-132
pages 112-132 views
Images of Kamchatka in the visual archive of the ethnographer Elizaveta Orlova
Golovneva E.V.

The article draws on archival findings to examine the body of visual materials collected by the Leningrad ethnographer and scholar of the Siberian North and the Russian Far East Elizaveta Orlova (1899–1976) during her trips to Kamchatka in the 1920s–1930s which was the period of the socialist development of the region. I attempt to analyze Orlova’s legacy in the context both of methodologies employed by the early Soviet ethnography of the North and of large-scale projects for the visual documenting of Northern culture that were launched during the period. I argue that Orlova’s visual work went in parallel with the traditional ethnographic description to provide the multifaceted image of Kamchatka rich in cultural and ethnic diversity. Orlova’s visual materials should be seen as representative of the ethnographic field photography that was developing in the USSR of the 1920s–1930s. They help us understand the dynamics and specifics of sovietization in the then faraway land and remain a valuable historical and anthropological source for scholarly inquiry.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(2):134-150
pages 134-150 views

Revisiting the Published

Factors of self-destructive behaviors in the context of cultural transformations
Tendryakova M.V.

Taking the cases of Australian aboriginal people and Siberian Evenkis, the article discusses the issue of interaction of dissimilar cultures – on the one hand, autochthonous, traditional, having no developed literacy systems, and functioning without state structures or colonizing cultures; on the other, literate, technologically oriented, and developing in the context of statehood. The two people under consideration differ as much as state politics and policies that were applied to them. What they have in common, however, are negative factors such as the increase in mortality rates due to deaths of people under 40, self-destructive behavior (alcoholism, accidents, fights, or involuntary manslaughter), and suicides that are especially prominent among the youth. The article examines the use of population models to consider the possible causes of the depressive behavior against the backdrop of a relatively decent level of social stability, and explores the ways in which traditional culture, its transformations, religious bans, and everyday norms may influence the suicide rates.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(2):151-168
pages 151-168 views

Research Articles

German conversations about field ethnography: a view from the Russian tradition
Butschatskaja J.V.

The article presents a Russian researcher’s view of German ethnographers as “Others” and their perception of fieldwork as the main practice and method of the discipline, as reflected in their informal communication. In attempting to compare this with the Russian material, I found that it was impossible to apply the same optics to the analysis of the professional cultures of Russian and German ethnographers, yet similar narratives about fieldwork emerged as the result. The reason for these similarities lies in the communicative nature of ethnologists’ work and the universal traits of the psychology of people who produce ethnological knowledge. Reflecting on my experience of collecting this field material in Berlin, I look at myself as an observer of “Others” and argue that subjective experiences and boundaries influenced the way the research was conducted and the character of interpretations that the material received. I further comment on the unfavorable role asymmetry between the researcher and the researched, that made the coproduction of knowledge problematic.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(2):169-189
pages 169-189 views
Legal aspects of the family life of chinese women in the first half of the twentieth century: erosion of patriarchate, consequences of modernization
Li Y., Pushkareva N.L.

The article analyzes the perception and attitudes of local residents towards the reforms implemented by the new authorities during the period from 1937 to 1949, particularly regarding the change in the social status of rural women in the provinces of Shaanxi, Gansu, and Ningxia. We argue that deeply rooted traditional beliefs created significant difficulties in implementing programs aimed at radical transformations, which were endorsed by a portion of Chinese society embracing a socialist perspective. The ideal of “freedom of marriage”, actively promoted by the ideologues of the new authorities, faced recognition with noticeable difficulties. Nonetheless, the reforms that began in the 1930s not only undermined the reliance on seemingly eternal Confucian-based traditions but also contributed to the formation and rise of the social self-consciousness of women, prompting them to learn to defend their rights and interests.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(2):190-205
pages 190-205 views
A revered place in the rural landscape: Whose heritage? On the history of the holy spring in Altai
Liubimova G.V.

The article examines the problems of the relationship between rural local communities and local landscape shrines. Drawing on fieldwork data, archival materials, local periodicals, and writings of Siberian Old Believers, I attempt to reconstruct the historical past of the Holy Spring, one of the most revered places in the Altai region, which bears the characteristics of both the cult and memorial place. I inquire into the conditions leading to transformations in the historical memory that is embodied in revered places and expound the methodology for studying such loci as functional zones of cultural landscapes, locations of memory, and objects of cultural heritage. I further specifically address the interesting case of overlapping vernacular practices of venerating holy places and collective memory of local events during the Civil War. Finally, I examine the most significant stages in the history of the revered place, as well as the reasons for its “reinvention” at the present time.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(2):206-228
pages 206-228 views
Reciprocity and patron-clientelism as forms of an institution of mutual assistance network in villages of the Republic of Tatarstan
Sagdieva E.А.

The sustainability of the rural world of the Republic of Tatarstan today largely depends on the development and functioning of the institution of network mutual assistance. I attempt to study the situation, making use of network theories in sociology as well as concepts of reciprocal and patron-client relationships as key aspects in the reproduction of mutual assistance networks. Drawing on field interviews collected in various villages of Tatarstan, I examine the actors and practices of mutual assistance in reciprocal and patron-client rural relationships and argue for the necessity of further support and development of mutual assistance networks in rural areas as a way of securing collective mutual insurance in an unstable economic situation.

Ètnografičeskoe obozrenie. 2024;(2):229-246
pages 229-246 views

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