


The article presents the data of our own observations of children born with extremely low and very low body weight. The leading pathological conditions in the digestive tract have been determined and the need for an early start of rehabilitation effects aimed at preventing and correcting these conditions has been substantiated. The paper highlights the difficulties in assessing the physical development of deeply premature babies. The necessity of improving the system of medical support for such children at all stages of nursing and the introduction into widespread practice of a personalized approach to rehabilitation is substantiated.


Alena Mironova

Z.A. Bashlyaeva Children Municipal Clinical Hospital

candidate of medical sciences, head of the rehab center for children born with extremely low weight, “Z.A. Bashlyaeva Children Municipal Clinical Hospital Hospital”, 125373, Moscow, Russian Federation 125373, Moscow, Russian Federation

T. Yudina

Z.A. Bashlyaeva Children Municipal Clinical Hospital

125373, Moscow, Russian Federation

I. Osmanov

Z.A. Bashlyaeva Children Municipal Clinical Hospital

125373, Moscow, Russian Federation


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