


The skin and mucous membranes are the min barrier organs providing systemic defense from environmental effects. They actively participate in deliverance of organism from antigens of various origin due to availability of one's own elements of immune system. The failure in chain of immune defense causes deceleration of process of elimination of antigen damaging structure of one's own tissue. The article presents mechanism of elimination of immune complexes and examples of therapeutic procedures accelerating and normalizing this process. The maintenance and recovery of excretory function of skin ensure positive dynamics of clinical manifestations of various diseases, including ones of autoimmune genesis. In case of fixation of immunoglobulins in tissues, skin acts as a target-organ. At that, detected specific antibodies are diagnostic markers for a wide circle of autoimmune dermatoses. Furthermore, immunopathologic processes occurring in skin are associated with disorders of synthesis of various molecular compounds of its tissue structures. This is testified by the results of immune morphologic picture of expression of a number of molecules of adhesion, protein components of desmosomal apparatus and basal membrane of epidermis, antigens of HLA-system. Therefore, skin is a complex organized structure capable to actively participate in development of inflammatory and autoimmune reactions. The analysis of these reactions at molecular biological level permits to evaluate intensity of occurring processes, to implement testing of efficacy of applied curative activities and in a number of cases to serve as an additional diagnostic marker. Undoubtedly, implementation of molecular biological methods as a tool of cognition favors continuous broadening of information about a number of aspects of pathogenesis of skin diseases and brings to development of new methods of their treatment at the molecular genetic level.


Nataliya Makhneva

The M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow regional research and clinical institute

doctor of medical sciences, professor of the chair of dermatovenerology and dermatooncology of the faculty of asdvanced training the M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow regional research and clinical institute, 129110, Moscow, Russian Federation 129110, Moscow, Russian Federation

Yu. Butov

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

117997, Moscow, Russian Federation

V. Vasenova

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

117997, Moscow, Russian Federation


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