


The purpose of study. To explore input of vegetative nervous system, fatty tissue as endocrine organ and further inter-tissue interactions in pathogenesis of syndrome of polycystic ovary.The material and methods. The analysis of publication data concerning prevalence of syndrome of polycystic ovary in women with normal body mass and obesity and also about involvement of neural regulation, molecular genetic and biochemical mechanisms in development of syndrome of polycystic ovary. The results. The publication data is presented concerning effect of sympathic adrenal system on fatty tissue and ovary under syndrome of polycystic ovary. The characteristics of synthesis of growth factors are considered including their effect on development of insulin resistance resulting in subsequent hyperinsulinemia in female patients with the given syndrome.The conclusion. The syndrome of polycystic ovary is a wildly prevalent multi-factorial pathology conditioned by both genetic and environmental factors. The particular role in pathogenesis of this syndrome play alterations of vegetative regulation, carbohydrate metabolism and steroidogenesis. The review presents data concerning effect of totality of growth factors and sympathic innervation of development of clinical manifestations of the syndrome of polycystic ovary.


D. Lukyanova

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

119992, Moscow, Russian Federation

Tatyana Smolnova

The A.E. Evdokimov Moscow state medical stomatological university; The academician V.I. Kulakov research center of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology of Minzdrav of Russia

doctor of medical sciences, associate professor of the chair of reproductive medicine and surgery of the A.E. Evdokimov Moscow state medical stomatological university, 127473, Moscow, Russian Federation; senior researcher of the department of operative gynecology of the academician V.I. Kulakov research center of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology, 119992, Moscow, Russian Federation 127473, Moscow, Russian Federation; 117997, Moscow, Russian Federation


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