


The problem of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease of lungs is actual and has no tendency to be resolved. The chronic obstructive disease of lungs is characterized by multitude of systemic manifestations. However, mechanisms of development of edematous syndrome under chronic obstructive pulmonary disease of lungs are studied insufficiently. The purpose. To study pathogenetic mechanisms of development of edematous syndrome in patients suffering of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease of lungs. Material and methods. The sampling of 35 patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive disease of lungs was used to analyze structure and functions of heart, gas composition of arterial blood, functional conditions of kidneys. The cohort of patients was separated on group A and group B depending on response to start therapy. The patients with weak response to start therapy continued to receive respiratory support as an addition to medicinal therapyThe results. The groups of patients are comparable on anamnestic and clinical parameters. The patients of group B suffered from intensive edematous syndrome, and more intensive cyanosis. The patients from group A suffered from less intensive edema. The edema was present not in all patients. The parameters characterizing functional condition of heart had no group difference. The disturbances of gas composition of arterial blood and function of kidneys were less intensive in group B than in group A. The analysis of correlations established that intensity of edematous syndrome is directly related to velocity of glomerular filtration and velocity of glomerular filtration depended on parameters of gas exchangeConclusion. In patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease of lungs at retained systolic function of left ventricle development of edematous syndrome is conditioned by renal dysfunction.


Darya Kirillova

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

assistant of the chair of hospital therapy of the pediatric faculty the N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia, 117997, Moscow, Russian Federation 117997, Moscow, Russian Federation

A. Tatarsky

The research institute of pulmonology of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia

105077, Moscow, Russian Federation


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