The analysis of sensomotor disorders in late recovery and residual periods after ischemic stroke




The study was carried out to investigate clinical and neuro-physiological characteristics of sensomotor disorders in patients at different time periods after hemispheric ischemic stroke. The sampling of 133 patients with ischemic stroke in right hemisphere and left hemisphere were examined in late recovering and residual period (58 and 75 patients accordingly). The trans-cranial magnetic stimulation, abdominal reflexes and sensomotor induced potentials were implemented. It is demonstrated that in patients even in one year after stroke processes of functional rehabilitation of various degree of expression continue to be present. The constancy and degree of manifestation of sensomotor disorders and compensatory possibilities as well are determined by afferent component of post-stroke deficiency that supposes long-term effect for broadening possibilities of neuro-rehabilitation of patients after stroke.


Igor’ Damulin

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university

doctor of medical sciences, professor of chair of nervous diseases and neurosurgery of medical faculty 119021, Moscow, Russia

E. Ekusheva

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university

Научный отдел неврологии, Научно-иccледовательcкий центр 119021, Moscow, Russia


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