The safety of application of laxatives




The constipation occurs in 16-27% of population and only one third of patients seek medical care. The laxatives are traditionally applied for stool regulation. At the same time, 4.18% of patients make excessive use of these pharmaceuticals. The article characterizes the main groups of laxatives and presents the results of meta-analysis of effectiveness of preparations including description of unfavorable effects with formation of laxative disease. The original clinical case of female patient with severe form of laxative disease is presented. The treatment of this complication is described. It is emphasize that key role is played by withdrawal of pharmaceutical caused laxative disease and correction of electrolyte disorders and recovery of functioning of stomach. The good results of treatment is ensured by lactulose due to safety, good tolerance and additional effects, in particular normalization of composition of gut organisms.


Elena Luzina

The Chita state medical academy

MD, PhD, assistant professor of Chair of Therapy for post-degree education 672090 Chita, Russia


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