


The article discusses the actual issue of safety of patients during application of medicinal agents related to unpractical combination of medicinal agents which can result in decrease of effectiveness and safety of pharmacological therapy. The application of medicinal agents in potentially dangerous combinations is a serious clinical issue. According various researchers, the combinations of medicinal agents prescribed by physicians are potentially dangerous in 17-23%. The untoward reactions induced by interaction of prescribed medicinal agents are developed in 6-8% of patients. The detection and analysis of complications of medicinal therapy related to pharmaceutical interaction is the most actual and complicated task of pharmaceutical control. In case of analysis of information about untoward reactions the most important is the evaluation of degree of confidence of cause-and-effect relationship "untoward reactions-medicinal agents’ interaction". The evaluation of degree of confidence of cause-and-effect relationship "untoward reactions-medicinal agents interaction" is ultimately important stage of evaluation of information about untoward reactions organized in national and regional centers of monitoring of safety of pharmaceuticals in many countries and WHO center. In practice of Russian pharmaceuticals control the mentioned technique hitherto was not applied to evaluate interdependence between complications related to medicinal agents. As a result of this, the present study was targeted to assess the significance of standardized evaluation of degree of confidence of cause-and-effect relationship "untoward reactions-medicinal agents interaction" in the process of analysis of information from national database concerning untoward reactions. The scale of determination of evaluation of degree of confidence of cause-and-effect relationship "untoward reactions-medicinal agents’ interaction" was developed using modification of the Horn-Hamsen scale in accordance with study demands. The application of the scale of determination of evaluation of degree of confidence of cause-and-effect relationship "untoward reactions-medicinal agents’ interaction" makes it possible to receive more reliable data concerning interaction of preparations and to detect these interactions. The application of given scale can be useful in preparation of evidential publications about cases of medicinal agents interactions resulting in complications. This scale can be useful in assessment of already published cases especially the ones which did not passed thorough verification.


A. Kazakov

The research center of expertise of agents of medical application and medicinal agents

127051, Москва, Россия


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