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Experimentally have been revealed that environmental contamination by pesticides, dioxides of sulphur and nitrogen disorders the processes of tissue differentiation of teeth and ossifications of jaw bones in embryos. The results of this are tardy teething and anomalous development of the teeth and jaw bones in postembryonic periods. Goal of the work was to identify the features of embryonic development of rats as a whole, as well as embryonic and postnatal development of their dentoalveolar system under conditions of intrauterine exposure to some chemicals polluting the environment. Material and methods. Pesticides, hexachlorane and fosalone, as well as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, which are the main components of harmful emissions from oil refineries, have been selected as polluting chemicals. The experiments were performed on non-matured mature white female rats with a body weight of 170-180 g. Results.It is found that prenatal exposure of toxic substances (pesticides, sulfur and nitrogen dioxides) leads to impaired fetal and postnatal development of offspring, which are shown to the maximum extent in combined toxicity of pesticides and dioxides. It was also revealed that combined intrauterine intoxication substantially interferes with the tooth tissue differentiation and jaw bones of the fetus, resulting in the delayed eruption and abnormal development of the teeth in the postnatal period.

About the authors

Kh. P Kamilov

Tashkent State Dental Institute

100047, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

D. I Taylakova

Abu Ali Ibn Sino Bukhara State Medical Institute

200100, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан 200100, Bukhara, Republic of Uzbekistan

Irina A. Nikolskaya

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Email: doknikolskaya@gmail.com
candidate of medical sciences, docent of the department of therapeutic dentistry “N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University”, 117997, Mosсow, Russian Federation 117997, Mosсow, Russian Federation


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