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The article discusses the normative documents in force in our country of the Ministry of Health that regulate the timing, order and age criteria for examining the mammary glands using x-ray mammography. A sufficient number of disagreements were revealed among the Orders, Letters, and Methodological and Clinical Recommendations that have not lost their legal force, which significantly complicate the daily work of clinicians and radiologists of mammography rooms. The lack of a unified approach to the standard of mammographic examination among the medical community inevitably leads to medical errors and increases the number of untimely diagnoses. In order to improve indicators of early diagnosis of breast cancer and minimize the amount of subsequent treatment, it is necessary to develop a single normative document that defines the algorithm for mammographic examination of the population.

About the authors

A. Yu Vasil’ev

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

127206, Moscow, Russian Federation

I. V Buromskiy

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

117997, Russian Federation

Tamara V. Pavlova

V. M. Buyanov City Clinical Hospital

candidate of medical sciences, Radiologyst of Department of Radiation Diagnostic of V. M. Buyanov City Clinical Hospital , Department of Healthcare of Moscow, 115516, Moscow, Russian Federation 115516, Moscow, Russian Federation

O. O Manuylova

V. M. Buyanov City Clinical Hospital

115516, Moscow, Russian Federation


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