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Oral sanitation - a set of measures aimed at curing diseases of the organs and tissues of the mouth, including the treatment of dental caries, its complications, non-carious lesions and professional hygiene or preparation of the mouth for further orthodontic and orthopedic treatment. Sanation of the mouth can be considered as an indicator of the quality of medical care, as it is a planned result of the treatment of the whole body. However, this indicator is not subject to accounting and analysis in private medical organizations, as a result of which statistical data on the true situation of dental disease and the effectiveness of treatment are unreliable. We conducted a study on the activities of four private dental organizations to achieve the effectiveness of treatment of patients. Evaluation of the scope and cost of work performed, complete rehabilitation of the mouth, carried out the certificate of completion. The collection of data on the structure of dental morbidity by turnover was studied by the medical records of the dental patient. The reason for the refusal to continue treatment before the rehabilitation of the mouth was studied by interviewing (telephone survey) of patients carried out by employees of private dental organizations (medical registrars). The activities of medical organizations, regardless of ownership, should include an in-depth analysis of statistical information, which is part of the management process in health care, ensuring the strengthening of public health and the effectiveness of the health system. Statistics reveal problems, priorities and challenges for the rational use of human, financial and logistical resources. In this regard, all offices of the organization must provide statistical data on their activities to the appropriate authorities and a range of socio-economic measures aimed at the final result of the dental Wellness of the population, strengthen the health and well-being of the person through the reorganization of the mouth.

About the authors

Lyudmila E. Smirnova

Central Research Institute of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery

candidate of medical sciences, senior researcher of the Department of organization of dental service, licensing and accreditation Central Research Institute of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery, 119021, Moscow, Russian Federation 119021, Moscow, Russian Federation

V. D Vagner

Central Research Institute of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery

119021, Moscow, Russian Federation


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