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According to research in Russia in 2016, the prevalence of diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue was 5871 cases per 100000 people, the incidence was 4259 cases per 100000 people. Severe chronic dermatoses significantly reduce the quality of life of patients and their families, the patients’ self-esteem suffers, their habitual lifestyle is disturbed. The purpose is to study the level dynamics and structure of the incidence of diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the population of the Republic of Bashkortostan for the period 2008-2017. The analysis of the structure and dynamics of the prevalence and the incidence of the ICD-10 class “Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue” (L00-L99) in the Republic of Bashkortostan was carried out according to the FSN form No. 12 for 2008-2017, and a simulated forecast of the incidence rate up to 2022 was compiled. The study revealed a steady downward trend in the prevalence and the incidence of these diseases in the Republic of Bashkortostan for the period 2011-2017. Considering the prediction data, the trend towards a decrease in the incidence rates of skin diseases until 2022 will continue. On this background, the level of the prevalence of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis tends to increase, the incidence of atopic dermatitis tends to increase, and the incidence of psoriasis tends to decrease. The proportion of severe chronic dermatoses increased 1.5-2 times in all age groups. Thus, the analysis makes it necessary to improve the work on the organization of medical care for patients with chronic dermatoses and methods for their prevention.

About the authors

Olga R. Mukhamadeeva

Bashkir State Medical University

candidate of medical sciences, Docent of the Chair of Public Health and Health Organization with course ICPE of the Bashkir State Medical University, 450008, Ufa, Russian Federation 450008, Ufa, Russian Federation

N. Kh Sharafutdinova

Bashkir State Medical University

450008, Ufa, Russian Federation

V. V Polunina

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation

M. Yu Pavlova

Bashkir State Medical University

450008, Ufa, Russian Federation

M. V Borisov

Bashkir State Medical University

450008, Ufa, Russian Federation


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