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The increase in the incidence of adolescents in Russia is confirmed by many special studies. An analysis of the statistic data for 2000-2015 years, showed that in Russia there was an increase in the number of adolescents (15-17 years) require for medical supervision from 410 to 486 cases per 1000 of the corresponding population (18.5%), however over the last 5 years, it declines (an average annual growth of -1.1%). The highest growth in 15 years was found in the following classes: neoplasms (126.7%), congenital anomalies (malformations) (57.6%), diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (58.2%), diseases of the cardiovascular system (55.0%). The decrease in the number of adolescents (15-17 years) require for medical supervision for the indicated period was in three classes: some infectious and parasitic diseases (-68.2%), mental and behavioral disorders (-46.2%), injuries and poisonings (-20.8%). The balance of the number of the studied group of adolescents in 2015 was negative and amounted to -9.1% due to the excess of the number of people taken out of the register (39.0%) over the number of registered persons (48.1%), what indicates a decrease in the number of adolescents require for medical supervision. At the same time, a positive balance was observed only in two classes: injuries and poisonings (42.1%), pregnancy, deliver and puerperium (9.1%). Negative balance of the studied contingent was observed for all other classes of diseases, the highest ones: congenital anomalies (malformations) (-17.9%), mental and behavioral disorders (14.9%), respiratory diseases (-14, 2). Since the health of children and adolescents determines the health of the future nation, its preservation is an important task, the implementation of which requires the development of prophylaxis for the prevention of diseases with the definition of their targeted introduction (school, home, healthcare institutions), as well as treatment of diseases of children and adolescents, including, the format of special medical observation.

About the authors

Marina N. Banteva

Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics

candidate of medical sciences, leading research associate department of Scientific bases of primary healthcare “Federal research institute for health organization and informatics”, 127254, Moscow, Russian Federation 127254, Moscow, Russian Federation

E. N Matveev

Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics

127254, Moscow, Russian Federation

E. M Manoshkina

Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics

127254, Moscow, Russian Federation


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