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The paper presents the results of the possibility of applications of modern methods of bronchodilator therapy in patients with different forms of pulmonary tuberculosis, combined with COPD and asthma. On a large contingent of patients, the clinical efficacy of bronchodilator therapy has been demonstrated. In this case, the positive effect of bronchodilator therapy was distributed in three main areas: the general condition of patients, the course of tuberculosis and the course of COPD and asthma. In all three directions, positive results were obtained: the general condition of patients improved, the terms of bacilli were reduced and the rate of regression of the tuberculosis process increased, and the effectiveness of control of COPD and asthma increased. These data are a reliable indicator of the feasibility of cooperation between phthisiology and pulmonology.

About the authors

Galina M. Kuklina

Central Tuberculosis Research Institute

candidate of medical sciences, chief scientific officer, Department «Central Tuberculosis Research Institute», 107564, Moscow, Russian Federation 107564, Moscow, Russian Federation

E. I Shmelev

Central Tuberculosis Research Institute

107564, Moscow, Russian Federation


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