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The study was implemented concerning the level of interleukins 2 and 6 (IL-2 and IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) under hepatic cirrhosis (HC) of viral etiology classes А, В, С according Child-Pugh. The purpose was to evaluate level of serum cytokinemies and their relationship under HC of viral etiology depending on class of severity according Child-Pugh and level of portal pressure. The cytokines concentration was determined using technique of solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. It is established that against the background of decreasing of compensation of HC occurs increasing of serum level of IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α within the limits of reference values at the exception of level of IL-6 under HC class C. In the given category of patients, level of IL-6 exceeds reference values and is within the limits of 9,94-25,21 pg ̸ml with average concentration 14,89±4,96 pg ̸ml. It is demonstrated that quantitative ratios and degrees of relationships between cytokines are determined by compensation of cirrhosis. The correlation relationships are mostly expressed in the form of feedback between TNF-α and IL-6 (r = 0,499) in case of HC class A. and in the form of direct relation between TNF-α and IL-2 (r = 0,421) in case of HC class B. It is proved that against the background of decreasing of compensation of HC increasing is occurring of serum levels of IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α within the limits of reference values with the exception of level of IL-6 in case of HC class C. In the given category of patients’ level of IL-6 exceeds reference values and is within limits of 9,94-25,21 pg/ml with average concentration 14,89 4,96 pg/ml.

About the authors

Vladimir Evgenievich Kulikov

The Ulyanovsk state university

MD, Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy of the Federal State Educational Establishment of Higher Education of the «Ulyanovsk State University» of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 432017, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation

M. G Sharafutdinov

The Ulyanovsk state university

432017, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation

M. E Khapman

The Ulyanovsk state university

432017, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation

M. A Toneeva

The Ulyanovsk state university

432017, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation

K. V Nikolaeva

The Ulyanovsk state university

432017, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation

A. N Sapozhnikov

The Ulyanovsk state university

432017, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation

L. G Proshina

The Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod state university

173003, Veliky Novgorod, Russian Federation

A. I Khoroshevskaya

The Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod state university

173003, Veliky Novgorod, Russian Federation


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