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The role of the tick Demodex in pathogenesis of different diseases of skin until now suffer from ambiguous evaluation. The article presents examples of detection of the tick Demodex in diverse material with and without clinical manifestations. The clinical case is presented concerning detection of the tick in secretion from nipple of mammary gland. The issue of various approaches to diagnostic both in our country and abroad is brought up.

About the authors

Svetlana V. Kuleshova

The polyclinic № 2 of executive office of the President of the Russian Federation

physician of highest category the head of clinical diagnostic laboratory The polyclinic № 2 of executive office of the President of the Russian Federation, 119146, Moscow, Russian Federation 119146, Moscow, Russian Federation

A. A Altaeva

The polyclinic № 2 of executive office of the President of the Russian Federation

119146, Moscow, Russian Federation

N. Kh Aysina

The polyclinic № 2 of executive office of the President of the Russian Federation

119146, Moscow, Russian Federation

A. A. Tarasov

The polyclinic № 2 of executive office of the President of the Russian Federation

119146, Moscow, Russian Federation

E. V Dvoretskaya

The polyclinic № 2 of executive office of the President of the Russian Federation

119146, Moscow, Russian Federation

L. O Minushkina

The polyclinic № 2 of executive office of the President of the Russian Federation

119146, Moscow, Russian Federation


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