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The issues of provision of medical organizations with qualitative, safe and efficient medications are important and actual ones. Recently, medical organizations gave no consideration to these issues because a number of activities in area of circulation of medications was not regulated for medical organizations. In 2017, to provide security of circulation of medications the order № 646n «On approval of the Rules of due practice of storage and transportation of medications for medicinal application» was issued. To evaluate readiness of medical organizations for implementing requirements of the given document, medical organizations of the Irkutsk oblast and the Trans-Baikal krai were analyzed for the purpose of availability of drugstores. The study established that in average drugstores are only in 50% of medical organizations. Among medical organizations with number of beds less than 100 beds, almost 100% of them have no drugstores. The carried-out questionnaire survey concerning awareness of medical specialists about rules of circulation of medications demonstrated inadequate knowledge of rules of prescription and storage of medications. Therefore, it was established that medical organizations are not ready for implementing requirements of the order № 646n from 31.08.2016 of Minzdrav of Russia that can result in decreasing of quality and safety of medications applied in medical organizations. Therefore, a particular attention in medical organizations is to be attended to development and implementation of system of quality targeted to maintenance of rules of circulation of medications. The step-by-step instructions or standard operational procedures are to be developed for all stages of of circulation of medications including receiving, taking-over, storage and application.

About the authors

Olga A. Ryzhova

The Irkutsk medical academy of post-graduate education

candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor of the chair of pharmacy of the Irkutsk medical academy of post-graduate education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 664049, Irkutsk 664049, Irkutsk, Russian Federation

T. L Moroz

The Irkutsk medical academy of post-graduate education

664049, Irkutsk, Russian Federation


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