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Nowadays, the standards of rendering of specialized psychiatric care to patients of plastic surgery are still to be determined. The broadening of knowledge about clinical, psycho-social characteristics of patients of reconstructive and plastic surgery will assist to determine risk groups on mental disorders and to specify algorithms of management of these patients. The study covered 44 examined patients underwent plastic operations in area of face and neck. The clinical and psychometric techniques (Hamilton depression scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) were applied. The patients of aesthetic surgery are characterized by higher level of social functioning. However, in the past mental disorders were diagnosed among them more frequently. At that, the patients of reconstructive and aesthetic surgery received treatment of mental disorders in 33.3% and 46.2% correspondingly. They visited psychiatrist on rare occasions. The mental pathology, more often of neurotic level, was diagnosed in 52.4% of cases in the group of reconstructive surgery and in 81.6% of cases in the group of aesthetic surgery. The patients of reconstructive surgery differed by higher prevalence of severe stress and reactive conditions, better criticism and hypochondria tendencies. Subjectively, the patients with deep affections of face and neck tissues psychologically considered as a most difficult year the first one after first treatment by plastic surgeons. The patients of aesthetic surgery are characterized by dysmorphophobia and personality disorders. In both groups in more than 50% of all cases a depressive symptomatic was detected. In the group of reconstructive surgery, the structure of depressive syndrome characterized by superficial sleep, locomotion anxiety. At the same time, the group of aesthetic surgery demonstrated more strikingly vegetative and mental components of anxiety.

About the authors

Nataliya N. Petrova

The St. Petersburg state university

doctor of medical sciences, professor, the head of the chair of psychiatry, narcology and medical psychology the St. Petersburg state university, 199034, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 199034, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

N. V Kalakutsky

The I.P. Pavlov first St.Petersburg state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

197022, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

O. M Palatina

The St. Petersburg state university

199034, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


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