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Nowadays, the posterior keratoplasty is an operation of original choice in treatment of patients with pathology of endothelium. The purpose of study. To analyze, in ex vivo conditions and using scanning electronic microscopy technique, the quality of stromal surface of transplant formed by femtosecond laser on part of endothelium (invertedly). Material and methods. The series of scanning electronic microscopy of surface of stroma of cornea after femtodissection were applied to investigate effect of parameters of femtodissection and also impact of viscoelastic on quality of stromal surface. Six pairs of eyes of donors unfitted to keratoplasty were used. To form a transplant the femtosecond laser platform LDV Z6 (Ziemer, Switzerland) was applied.

About the authors

Oganes G. Oganesyan

The Helmholtz Moscow research institute of eyes diseases

doctor of medical sciences, leading researcher of the department of traumotology and reconstructive surgery of the Helmholtz Moscow research institute of eyes diseases, 105062, Moscow 105062, Moscow, Russian Federation

S. S Yakovleva

The Helmholtz Moscow research institute of eyes diseases

105062, Moscow, Russian Federation

A. E Baranchikov

The N.S. Kurnakov institute of general and inorganic chemistry

119991, Moscow, Russian Federation

V. K Ivanov

The N.S. Kurnakov institute of general and inorganic chemistry

119991, Moscow, Russian Federation


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