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The sampling consisted of 79 examined males of able-bodied age. The arterial hypertension stage I and II was established in 58% of them; obesity of various degree of severity was diagnosed in 63% of them; metabolic syndrome according criteria ATP-III was noted in 46.8% of examined patients. The general clinical and anthropometric examination was carried out. The laboratory analyses included estimation of lipidogram, fasting glycaemia and also hormones adiponectin and insulin with following calculation of index of insulin resistance HOMA-IR (Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance). The study was organized to investigate effecting of obesity on secretion of adiponectin and its relationship with indices of lipidogram and level of insulin resistance. The comparative analysis of groups with and absence of obesity established no significant difference in level of adiponectin and indices of lipidogram. the significant differences were established in the levels of basal insulin hence in value of index NOMA-IR that points to hyperinsulinemia and expressed insulin resistance in patients with obesity. The patients were separated in two groups depending on presence of manifestations of metabolic syndrome: with metabolically healthy obesity and metabolically complicated obesity. The analysis established a significant decreasing of level of adiponectin in the group of metabolically complicated obesity accompanied by insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and increased level of glycaemia. The study established no effect of degree of obesity on decreasing of level of adiponectin. The significant differences between levels of adiponectin in comparison between group without obesity and group of metabolically healthy obesity. The correlation analysis in group with obesity demonstrated back-coupling between level of adiponectin and content of total cholesterol, low density lipoproteins and coefficient of atherogenicity. The comparison of groups according median of adiponectin established significant differences in rate of development of metabolic syndrome and value of coefficient of atherogenicity.

About the authors

Olga V. Karataeva

The Nizhegorodskaya state medical academy of Minzdrav of Russia

post-graduate student of the chair of endocrinology and inner diseases the Nizhegorodskaya state medical academy of Minzdrav of Russia, 603005, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russian Federation 603005, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russian Federation


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