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On the basis of comparative analysis of social and clinical factors in 435 women with hetero-aggressive behavior and 321 women without aggressive behavior serving a sentence in correctional institution new data was obtained concerning relationship between social and clinical factors and aggression. The dominant role of social environment factors in comparison with common social factors in development of both aggression and mental deviations is demonstrated. The conclusion is made that social environment factors are an important component of factors' triad (clinical, personal, social) in many ways determining development of aggressive inclinations in women.

About the authors

K. N Shaklein

The V.P. Serbsky Federal medical research center of psychiatry and narcology of Minzdrav of Russia

119991, Moscow, Russian Federation

Leonid M. Bardenshteyn

The A.E. Evdokimov Moscow state medical stomatological university

doctor of medical sciences, the head of the chair of psychiatry and narcology the A.E. Evdokimov Moscow state medical stomatological university, 127473, Moscow, Russian Federation 127473, Moscow, Russian Federation


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