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The actuality. The acute disorders of cerebral blood circulation of ischemic type is a rare but dangerous complication of pregnancy. The etiology of ischemic disorders is different. The rate of strokes increases during pregnancy. The pre-eclampsia and eclampsia can become a cause of ischemic stroke.The purpose of study. To analyze structure, etiology, rate of ischemic disorders of cerebral blood circulation in pregnant women, women in labor and puerperia for optimization of tactics of obstetrics care support.The materials and methods. The analysis of 76 cases of acute disorder of cerebral blood circulation of ischemic type in anamnesis and during gestation. The conclusions. The rate of ischemic disorders of cerebral blood circulation is reliably higher in pregnant women as compared with women of reproductive age without pregnancy. The pre-eclampsia and eclampsia became a cause of development of ischemic stroke in 18.3% of cases.

About the authors

Ruzanna R. Arustamyan

The A.E. Evdokimov Moscow state medical stomatological university

candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the chair of reproductive medicine and surgery the A.E. Evdokimov Moscow state medical stomatological university, 127473, Moscow, Russian Federation 127473, Moscow, Russian Federation

L. V Adamyan

The A.E. Evdokimov Moscow state medical stomatological university

127473, Moscow, Russian Federation

E. M Shifman

The M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow regional research and clinical institute of Minzdrav of Russia

127473, Moscow, Russian Federation

O. V Konysheva

The O.V. Filatov state clinical hospital

111539, Moscow, Russian Federation

D. A Doroshenko

The O.V. Filatov state clinical hospital

111539, Moscow, Russian Federation

N. N Lukina

The O.V. Filatov state clinical hospital

111539, Moscow, Russian Federation

V. A Golonzko

The O.V. Filatov state clinical hospital

111539, Moscow, Russian Federation

O. B Lapochkina

The O.V. Filatov state clinical hospital

111539, Moscow, Russian Federation


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