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The blood donorship is an integral part of modern medicine. Nowadays, it is very important to develop gratuitous and regular donorship and formation in population, especially in the youth, deliberate attitude to donorship and revival of noble traditions of charity, humanism and moral values. The article presents analysis of regional characteristics of dynamics of blood donorship in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The condition of annually increasing need in blood and its preparations creates a necessity in studying means of incoming of blood to the blood service. The analysis of reports concerning functioning of blood service in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan demonstrated that during 2012-2015 percentage of gratuitous donations increased from 47.7% to 54.9%. The percentage of donations of donors-relatives decreased from 36.4% to 34.5% and paid donations decreased from 15.9% to 10.8% as well. The obtained data testifies that in regions of the country nowadays a main impulsive cause for participating in blood donorship is gratuitous support of patients.

About the authors

Zh. K Burkitbaiev

The Scientific-production center of transfusiology of Minzdrav of the Republic of Kazakhstan

010000, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan

S. A Abdrakhmanova

The Scientific-production center of transfusiology of Minzdrav of the Republic of Kazakhstan

010000, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan

Svetlana V. Skorikova

The Scientific-production center of transfusiology of Minzdrav of the Republic of Kazakhstan

candidate of medical sciences, head of department of staffing donor personnel the Scientific-production center of transfusiology of Minzdrav of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000, Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan 010000, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan

E. B Zhiburt

The N.I. Pirogov National medical surgical center of Minzdrav of Russia

105203, Moscow, Russian Federation


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