The possibilities of medicinal therapy in patients with calcined aortic stenosis

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The calcined aortic stenosis is one of the most frequently occurring cardio-vascular diseases with unfavorable prognosis of treatment. Te actual conceptions of risk factors of development, pathogenesis and course of disease starting from inflammation and endothelial dysfunction and completing with bone metaplasia give an opportunity of determining prospective directions of medicinal therapy favoring deceleration of progressing of calcined aortic stenosis. The review summarizes main data of publications concerning attempts of pathogenetically medicinal impact on progressing of calcined aortic stenosis.

About the authors

Olesya V. Andropova

The polyclinic №1 of the executive office of the President of the Russian Federation

candidate of medical sciences, cardiologist of cardiology department of polyclinic № 1 of the executive office of the President of the Russian Federation 119146, Moscow

L. A Alekseeva

The polyclinic №1 of the executive office of the President of the Russian Federation

119146, Moscow

L. O Minushkina

The educational research center of the executive office of the President of the Russian Federation

121359, Moscow, Russian Federation


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