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The photo time-keeping monitoring of working of 50 physicians of ultrasound diagnostic was carried out in 20 pilot territories with consideration for modern technical possibilities. The substantiation of the study was based on point 3 of the regulations of development and authorization of type labor standards, approved by enactment of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11 2002 № 804 (legislation corpus of the Russian Federation, 2002, № 46, article 4583) and point 19 of the plan of actions («road map») «The alterations in sectors of social sphere directed to increasing of efficiency of health care», approved by the enactment of the government of the Russian Federation of December 28 2012 № 2599-p (legislation corpus of the Russian Federation, 2013, № 2, article 130; № 45, article 5863; 2014, № 19, article 2468). The results of study testify the necessity of development of normative documentation related to establishment of standards of load of endoscopy physicians concerning increasing of time spend to implementation of curative diagnostic examinations.

About the authors

V. I Starodubov

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia

127254, Moscow, Russian Fedеration

Maisa A. Ivanova

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia

doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the department “Work measurement of medical workers” the central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia, 127254, Moscow, Russian Fedration 127254, Moscow, Russian Fedеration

V. V Lyutsko

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia

127254, Moscow, Russian Fedеration

N. M Popova

The Izhevskaya state medical academy of Minzdrav of Russia

426034, Izhevsk, Russian Federation

D. A Tolmachev

The Izhevskaya state medical academy of Minzdrav of Russia

426034, Izhevsk, Russian Federation


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