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Nowadays, number of studies covering issues of disorders of human gustatory sensitivity under effect of general and local factors is increasing. However, alterations of gustatory perception in orthodontic patients are studied insufficiently. The purpose of study. To determine quantitative and qualitative alterations of gustatory sensitivity in individuals bearing for a long time intra-oral orthodontic constructions. The sampling included 15 examined patients aged from 11 to 37 years being on the stage of orthodontic treatment (in average from 6 months to 1 year) at the chair of orthodontics of the A.E. Evdokimov Moskovskii state medical stomatological university. The gustatory sensitivity was investigated using gustometry technique identifying threshold of gustatory sensitivity i.e. the least concentration of solution of gustatory substance that provokes sensation at applying on tongue. In addition, attention was paid to health condition of patient, presence of harmful habits and food addictions. The studies demonstrated that in patients on various kinds of gustatory sensations (sweet, salted, bitter, sour) developed altered gustatory sensations that шт relation to normal reactions were higher, lower or within the limits of norm. The highest number of mistakes were observed in case of identification of soar and salted solutions. The dynamic observation testifies alteration of gustatory perception in examined patients during all period of treatment. Therefore, studies are to be continued increasing their duration and number of patients with purpose of making more concrete conclusions about dynamics of human gustatory sensitivity under bearing intra-oral orthodontic constructions.

About the authors

Kseniya I. Solodkaya

The A.E. Evdokimov Moscovskiy state medical stomatological university

resident of the chair of orthodontics the A.E. Evdokimov Moscovskiy state medical stomatological university, 127473, Moscow, Russian Federation 127473, Moscow, Russian Federation

N. D Sorokina

The A.E. Evdokimov Moscovskiy state medical stomatological university

127473, Moscow, Russian Federation

Yu. A Gioeva

The A.E. Evdokimov Moscovskiy state medical stomatological university

127473, Moscow, Russian Federation


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