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The article considers issues of organization of medical care of patients with chronic hypoxemic respiratory insufficiency and such the most grounded method of its treatment as long-term oxygen therapy in home conditions. The methodological aspects of functioning of the municipal pulmonological center organized in St. Petersburg are expounded, including scheme of routing and observation of patients with chronic hypoxemic respiratory insufficiency. The efficiency of two-yers functioning of the center is analyzed.

About the authors

O. N Titova

The I.P. Pavlov first St. Peterburgsky state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

197022, St. Peterburg, Russian Federation

N. A Kuzubova

The I.P. Pavlov first St. Peterburgsky state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

197022, St. Peterburg, Russian Federation

V. A Volchkov

The I.P. Pavlov first St. Peterburgsky state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

197022, St. Peterburg, Russian Federation

Andrey G. Kozyrev

The I.P. Pavlov first St. Peterburgsky state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

candidate of medical sciences, the head of laboratory of ecological and occupational pulmonology the I.P. Pavlov first St. Peterburgsky state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia, 197022, St. Peterburg 197022, St. Peterburg, Russian Federation

E. Yu Haritonenko

The I.P. Pavlov first St. Peterburgsky state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

197022, St. Peterburg, Russian Federation


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