The medical psychological aspects of development of benevolent psychological microclimate in environment of medical nurses

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The article presents the analysis of psychological micro climate in staff of medical nurses of surgical, therapeutic and admission departments. It is established that in the group of medical nurses 83.4% of respondents interpret micro climate as favorable, 16.6% - as unstable favorable and none of respondents considered micro climate as unfavorable. In the therapeutic department 88.4% interpreted micro climate as favorable, 11.6% - as unstable favorable and none of respondents considered micro climate as unfavorable. In admission department 34% interpreted micro climate as favorable, 27% - as unstable favorable and 39% - as unfavorable.

About the authors

Vladimir V. Maslyakov

The Saratovskiy medical institute “REAVIZ”

doctor of medical sciences, professor, vice-rector on research studies and relationship with community, head of the chair of clinical medicine The Saratovskiy medical institute “REAVIZ” Saratov, Russian Federation

V. A Levina

The Saratovskiy medical institute “REAVIZ”

кафедра клинической медицины Saratov, Russian Federation

I. V Romanova

The Saratovskiy medical institute “REAVIZ”

кафедра клинической медицины Saratov, Russian Federation


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