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The purpose of study. To investigate characteristics of family environment as risk factors of development of arterial hypertension and high normal arterial pressure in school children.The methods. The thrice-repeated measurement of arterial pressure was implemented among 662 schoolchildren and questionnaire survey of their parents as well. The questionnaire included issues related to conditions of living, dimensions of housing area, material well-being and effect of passive tobacco smoking. The schoolchildren with arterial hypertension resided in 107 families, schoolchildren with high normal arterial pressure - in 78 families and other schoolchildren without arterial hypertension and high normal arterial pressure - in 477 families (control group).The results. The most exposure of arterial hypertension in schoolchildren was observed in families with unsatisfactory hygienic conditions of residence - 47.7±4.9% of cases; with housing, less than 4.0 m2 per one schoolchild - 27,1±4,3% of cases; and also in families with unfavorable material conditions - 62,6±4,7% of cases. The exposure of high normal arterial pressure is analogous. At strong intensity of tobacco smoking of parents’ exposure of arterial hypertension among schoolchildren made up to 45,8±4,8% of cases; at medium intensity - 33,6±4,6% of cases; at weak intensity - 12,1±3,2% of cases and in absence of passive tobacco smoking - 8,4±2,7% of cases. The similar picture is observed and at exposure of high normal arterial pressure.The conclusion. As far as positive social economic transformations are occurring and well-being of population is ameliorating, with time the impact of the first three noted risk factors of family environment of schoolchildren will become weaker. Yet, the impact of passive tobacco smoking on organisms of children can be minimized by force of available controlled explanatory work with parents.

About the authors

Arzu F. Mekhtieva

The Azerbaydzhanskiy medical university

assistant of the chair public health and health care organization the Azerbaydzhanskiy medical university, 1000, Baku 1000 Baku, the Republic of Azerbaydzhan


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