The prevalence of factors of cardiovascular and metabolic risks according data of health centers

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The cardiovascular diseases are among the main causes of disability and premature death all around the world. The study presents results of evaluation of prevalence of obesity and overweight, hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia, increased arterial pressure, abdominal obesity and android type of adipopexis in Russia. The analysis was implemented by using depersonalized data of 435 299 individuals aged 20-85 years (307 128 females and 128 171 males) visited health centers in 2010-2015 in 25 regions of Russia. out of them, 14 regions presented data in volume sufficient for regional analysis: Belgorodskaya, Brianskaya, Kemerovskaya, Kurganskaya, Magadanskaya, omskaya, Sarahtovskaya, Sahalinskaya oblasti, Moscow, Permskiy'i Habarovskiy kray, Republic of Bashkortostan, Chuvashskaya Republic and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous okrug-Iugra. The estimates of prevalence of factors of cardiovascular and metabolic risks in Russia and its particular regions obtained. Among factors of cardiovascular risk considered in the present study related to population of health centers the most frequently occurred hypercholesterolemia - 30% according standard evaluation procedure, hyperglycemia - 26.6%, obesity - 20% and increased arterial pressure - 19%. The prevalence of abdominal obesity consisted 42.2% and android type of adipopexis - 20.9%. The hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia, obesity, abdominal obesity and android type of adipopexis more frequently occurred in females and increased arterial pressure - in males. The estimates, calculated on the basis of data from health centers and specialized sampling studies of evaluation, at the same criteria of truncation and in the same regions, match each other very well. The gender age characteristics of prevalence of risk factors among visitors of health centers repeat the same discovered in sampling studies. At that, coverage of population at the estimation of prevalence of risk factors according data of health centers are significantly higher than at implementation of sampling studies. The organization of study require no additional inputs and can be implemented in form of monitoring because program complex FIR CZ provides periodical unloading of data of individual examinations to federal resource.

About the authors

Svetlana P. Shchelykalina

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia; The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the chair of medical cybernetics and informatics of the N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia, leading research worker of department of innovative technologies of prevention of diseases of the central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia 127254, Moscow

T. A Eryukova

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia

127254, Moscow

D. V Nikolaev

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia; The scientific and technical “MEDASS”

127254, Moscow

K. A Korostylev

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia

127254, Moscow

O. A Starunova

The central research institute for health organization and informatics of Minzdrav of Russia

127254, Moscow


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