The effect of educational programs on effectiveness of treatment of arterial hypertension at out-patient stage of medical care rendering

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The increasing of effectiveness of treatment of arterial hypertension is a key issue of prevention of complications of this disease. The level of target arterial pressure is achieved far from all patients treated because of arterial pressure. The article presents data concerning 55 individuals with office systolic arterial pressure higher than 140 mm of mercury column who in spite of hypotensive therapy prescribed by physician, demonstrated no achievement of target values of arterial pressure. Out of this group, 24 patients were acquainted with educational program including an hour lecture concerning arterial hypertension, techniques of self-control of arterial pressure, effect of non-pharmaceutical modes of treatment and role of patients themselves in therapy of this diseases. The educational program was ignored by 31 patient. All patients at the start and the completion of examination were measured office arterial pressure, monitored day arterial pressure. Also evaluation of compliance to indicated hypotensive medicinal therapy was carried out. At the second control visit after 1-3 months, in patients who attended the lecture, significant decreasing of arterial pressure was established according both office measurement and data of indices of systolic arterial pressure. Moreover, the same patients developed compliance to applied treatment. No such effects were observed in 31 patients who ignored lecture mentioned above. It is assumed that the important part of activities concerning treatment of patients with arterial hypertension from the very beginning of interaction with physician is to become increasing of awareness of patients about disease, modes of its control, importance of non-medicinal measures, regular pharmacotherapy attended by physician. It is appropriate to actively implement these measures in practical health care considering expressed clinical and social economical effectiveness of educational programs for patients with arterial hypertension.

About the authors

Aleksandr V. Melekhov

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university

candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the chair of hospital therapy № 2 of medical faculty The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university 117997, Moscow, Russia

E. I Emelina

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university

кафедра госпитальной терапии № 2 117997, Moscow, Russia

O. Yu Andreeva

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university

кафедра госпитальной терапии № 2 117997, Moscow, Russia

G. E Gendlin

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university

кафедра госпитальной терапии № 2 117997, Moscow, Russia

L. V Sokolovskaya

MSCh “CMSCh № 119” of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia

МСЧ № 5 Moscow, Russia


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