The sphincter-preserving resection of rectum with distal sacrumectomy

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The described observation is demonstration of sphincter-preserving resection of rectum with distal sacrumectomy under locally widespread cancer of rectum with isolated involvement of distal portion of sacrum and absence of data proving affection of sphincter.

About the authors

P. V Tsarkov

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university

119992, Moscow, Russia

I. A Tulina

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university

119992, Moscow, Russia

Aleksandr V. Leontyev

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university

assistant of the chair of coloproctology and endoscopic surgery The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university 119992, Moscow, Russia

K. B Puzakov

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university

119992, Moscow, Russia

V. I Zhurkovskiy

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university

119992, Moscow, Russia


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