The morbidity of obliterating atherosclerosis of arteries of lower extremities in workers of enterprise of nuclear industry

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The purpose. The evaluation of indices of morbidity of arteriosclerosis obliterans of arteries of lower extremities in cohort of workers exposed to professional chronic radiation. Material and methods. The retrospective cohort study included 22 377 workers of enterprise of nuclear industry "Maiak" with verified diagnosis of arteriosclerosis obliterans of arteries of lower extremities. The "crude" and standardized indices of morbidity were calculated. The indirect technique of standardization was applied for standardization of indices. The results. In the studied cohort of workers, at the end of period of observation (December 31 2008), 938 cases of arteriosclerosis obliterans of arteries of lower extremities were registered. It is demonstrated that morbidity of arteriosclerosis obliterans of arteries of lower extremities in studied cohort of workers statistically significant depended on gender, attained age, status of smoking, alcohol consumption (in males) and body mass index (in females). The morbidity of arteriosclerosis obliterans of arteries of lower extremities is statistically significant higher in males exposed to chronic external gamma-radiation in total dose higher than 1.0 grays and/or internal alpha-radiation from incorporated plutonium in total dose absorbed by liver dose more than 0.025 grays. Conclusion. The morbidity of arteriosclerosis obliterans of arteries of lower extremities in cohort of workers exposed to professional chronic radiation depended on both non-radiation and radiation factors.

About the authors

Tamara V. Azizova

The Yuzhno-Ural'skiy institute of biophysics of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia

candidate of medical sciences, deputy director the Yuzhno-Ural'skiy' institute of biophysics of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia 456780, Ozersk

K. V Kuznetsova

The Yuzhno-Ural'skiy institute of biophysics of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia

456780, Ozersk

M. V Bannikova

The Yuzhno-Ural'skiy institute of biophysics of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia

456780, Ozersk

M. V Sumina

The Yuzhno-Ural'skiy institute of biophysics of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia

456780, Ozersk

Ya. P Bagaeva

The central medical sanitary department №71 of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia

456780 Ozersk, Russian Rederation

E. V Azizova

The central medical sanitary department №71 of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia

456780 Ozersk, Russian Rederation

N. P Fotyeva

The central medical sanitary department №71 of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia

456780 Ozersk, Russian Rederation

L. N Krupenina

The central medical sanitary department №71 of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia

456780 Ozersk, Russian Rederation


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