The history and clinical value of intraluminal endoscopy of digestive tract

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The article presents periods of development of intraluminal endoscopy in general. Especially, the input of national specialists is considered since their works yield not to works of foreign specialists. The intraluminal endoscopy, prior to becoming independent clinical direction as effective technique of diagnostic and treatment of various diseases, - passed long and thorny path from the first invention of P. Bozzini in 1807 to our time of digital endoscopy. The modern arsenal of endoscopic methods includes biopsy, radiopaque endoscopic through-papillary interventions (endoscopic retrograde pancreocholangiography, endoscopic papillotomy), endoscopic electroexcisio of neoplasms of gastrointestinal tract, techniques of hemostasia, fistuloscopy, chromoendoscopy, endoscopic ultrasonography, narrow band endoscopy, balloon-assisted and capsular enteroscopy, etc. The intraluminal endoscopic surgery under certain diseases became alternative to common surgical operations though its active development as a new direction was apprehended negatively by many doctors and heads of clinics.

About the authors

Aleksey S. Balalykin

The A.A. Vishnevskii third central military clinical hospital of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation

MD, PhD, DSc, prof. 143420, Moscow, Russia

Kh. S Mutsurov

The A.A. Vishnevskii third central military clinical hospital of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation

143420, Moscow, Russia

V. V Gvozdik

The A.A. Vishnevskii third central military clinical hospital of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation

143420, Moscow, Russia

A. N Verbovskiy

The A.A. Vishnevskii third central military clinical hospital of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation

143420, Moscow, Russia


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